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C++11 on Windows


People also ask

Can I code C on Windows?

You will need two things to create C programs: a text editor to write the source code for the program and a compiler to convert the source code to an executable file so the program can be run (on Windows, executable files have a ".exe" extension).

Does Visual Studio support C11?

Support for C11 and C17 standards is available in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 and later.

I'm wondering how well writing software in C++11 works on Windows yet. It would be most comfortable (and propably most natural) to use one of the native compilers for Windows - I'm thinking about Visual Studio 2012 Express or Visual Studio 2013 Express here. Everything I could find so far on that matter is

  1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/hh567368.aspx (Comparison of C++11 features of VC10 and VC11, which seems to be quite bad)
  2. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2013/06/28/c-11-14-stl-features-fixes-and-breaking-changes-in-vs-2013.aspx (not really transparent, didn't give me a good idea how well it works)

Does anyone have any experience how well the current Visual Studio versions can handle C++11? I really want to start using auto, lambdas, variadic templates, template aliases, initializer lists and rvalue references (to name just a few) and all the other good stuff right now, but if Windows might be a problem I might have to use C++03 further.

Another possibility seems to be to install LLVM and Clang on Windows. My primary platform is OSX, and on that system Clang's support for C++11 is really good. But I read that the LLVM-version of the standard library for C++ (libc++) does not work well on Windows. So LLVM/clang might not be an option.

What are your opinions on C++11 development on Windows?

Thank you!