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c++11 constructor with variadic universal references and copy constructor

How to declare copy constructor, if we have constructor with universal reference arguments, also?


struct Record{
    template<class ...Refs>
    explicit Record(Refs&&... refs){
        cout << "param ctr" << endl;

    Record(const Record& other){     // never called
        cout << "copy ctr" << endl;

    Record(Record&& other){         // never called
        cout << "move ctr" << endl;

int main() {
    Record rec("Hello");    
    Record rec2(rec);  // do "param ctr"

    return 0;

According to this constructor list of std::tuple http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple/tuple [look case 3 and 8] this problem somehow solved in standard library... But I can't get through stl's code.

P.S. Question somewhat related to C++ universal reference in constructor and return value optimization (rvo)

P.P.S. For now, I just added additional first param Record(call_constructor, Refs&&... refs) for really EXPLICIT call. And I can manually detect if we have only one param and if it is Record, and than redirect call to copy ctr/param ctr, but.... I can't believe there is no standard way for this...

like image 513
tower120 Avatar asked Aug 29 '15 14:08


2 Answers

In your example, the forwarding reference is used with Record&.

So you may add an extra overload for Record& (to forward to copy constructor):

Record(Record& other) : Record(static_cast<const Record&>(other)) {}

or use sfinae on the one with forwarding reference.

like image 165
Jarod42 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10


The Problem

When you call Record rec2(rec);, you have two viable constructors: your copy constructor Record(Record const&) and the variadic constructor with Refs = {Record&} which works out to Record(Record&). The latter is a better candidate since it's a less cv-qualified reference, so it wins even if that's not what you want.

The Solution

You want to remove anything that should call the move or copy constructors from being a viable candidate for the variadic constructor. In plain English, if Refs... consists of a single type that is either a reference to, or just a plain value, of a type that derives from Record - we do NOT want to use the variadic constructor. It's important to include the derived case as well, since you would certainly expect SpecialRecord sr; Record r(sr); to call the copy constructor...

Since this comes up, it's useful to have as a type trait. The base case is that it's neither a copy or move:

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct is_copy_or_move : std::false_type { };

We only have to specialize on a single type:

template <typename T, typename U>
struct is_copy_or_move<T, U>
: std::is_base_of<T, std::decay_t<U>>
{ }

And then we just have to replace our variadic constructor with this SFINAE'd alternative:

template <typename... Refs,
          typename = std::enable_if_t<!is_copy_or_move<Record, Refs...>::value>

Now if the arguments are such that this should be a call to a copy or move constructor, the variadic constructor will no longer be viable.

like image 29
Barry Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
