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C++0X when? [duplicate]




Possible Duplicate:
When will C++0x be finished?

What are the latest news about C++0X? (or should I say C++1X) Any release date decided yet?

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Schildmeijer Avatar asked Oct 22 '08 14:10


3 Answers

UPDATE : years later...

The last Draft have been officially finalized few weeks ago, in Mars 2011 and will be officially out around July 2011. The name of the new standard would be C++2011 : http://herbsutter.com/2011/03/25/we-have-fdis-trip-report-march-2011-c-standards-meeting/

Microsoft C++ compiler (VC10) provide C++0x features (lambda, decltype, auto, r-value reference and nullptr). GCC provide a work in progress version that already implements a lot of features (see http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx0x.html). Comeau C++ seems to be more advanced. CLang started to provide some features but not much for the moment (see http://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html )

So, most of the features are be availables for the main c++ compilers at the time the ISO administration officially validate the draft. Some advanced features are still not be available before some years I guess.

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Klaim Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10


It's unlikely that this committee draft will become the FCD. I would say there will be at least 2 more meetings of the standard committee before it goes to FCD.

I think there is something like a 1 year lag between the FCD and the actual standard, so it could be 2011 (or even later!!!)

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Richard Corden Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Richard Corden

A number of free and commercial compilers already include support for certain C++0X features.

  • gcc: static_assert, strongly typed enums, variadic templates...
  • Codegear C++Builder 2009: static_assert, strongly typed enums...
  • Visual C++ 2008: mostly TR1 support

As for when the standards committee actually publish, well...

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Roddy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10
