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C# WPF Live Charts - Creating a chart generically




I am using WPF Live Charts Library. I am trying to create a bar chart generically.

Following is my code. Can't do it in XAML as it doesn't support generics.

public abstract class AbstractGenericBarChart<T> : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
    SeriesCollection _SeriesCollection;
    public SeriesCollection SeriesCollection { get { return _SeriesCollection; } set { _SeriesCollection = value; notifyPropertyChanged("SeriesCollection"); } }
    string[] _Labels;
    public string[] Labels { get { return _Labels; } set { _Labels = value; notifyPropertyChanged("Labels"); } }
    Func<int, string> _Formatter;
    public Func<int, string> Formatter { get { return _Formatter; } set { _Formatter = value; notifyPropertyChanged("Formatter"); } }

    public abstract void constructChart(List<T> chartItems);

    public void init(string xLabel, string yLabel)
        renderChart(xLabel, yLabel);

    public void renderChart(string xLabel, string yLabel)
        CartesianChart chart = new CartesianChart { Margin = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10), LegendLocation = LegendLocation.Bottom, DataTooltip = new DefaultTooltip { SelectionMode = TooltipSelectionMode.SharedYValues } };
        Axis xAxis = new Axis { Foreground = Brushes.Black, FontSize = 14d, Title = xLabel };
        Axis yAxis = new Axis { Foreground = Brushes.Black, FontSize = 14d, Title = yLabel };
        setBinding("LabelFormatter", Formatter, xAxis, Axis.LabelFormatterProperty);
        setBinding("Labels", Labels, yAxis, Axis.LabelsProperty);
        setBinding("Series", SeriesCollection, chart, CartesianChart.SeriesProperty);
        Content = chart;

    public void setBinding(string propertyName, object source, FrameworkElement control, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty)
        Binding binding = new Binding(propertyName)
            Source = source
        control.SetBinding(dependencyProperty, binding);

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected void notifyPropertyChanged(string prop)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop));

internal class BarChart : AbstractGenericBarChart<TopTransactingCount>
    public override void constructChart(List<TopTransactingCount> chartItems)
        SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection
            new RowSeries
                Title = "Transaction Count",
                Values = new ChartValues<long>(chartItems.Select(x=>x.TransCount))
        Labels = chartItems.Select(x => x.Date.ToShortDateString()).ToArray();
        Formatter = value => value.ToString();
        DataContext = this;

At startup I see an empty chart control which is expected.

I call constructChart method on submit button click.

public partial class TotalTransCountsChart : UserControl, IChart
    private BarChart chart = new BarChart();
    List<object> chartData;

    public TotalTransCountsChart()

    public void init(List<object> chartData)
        this.chartData = chartData;
        chart.init("Transaction Count", "Date");
        Grid.SetRow(chart, 3);

    private void CmdSubmit_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)

However, the chart still remains empty. I think the binding part in the code is not working as expected. I am stuck at this point.

like image 595
Nilesh Barai Avatar asked Nov 15 '19 11:11

Nilesh Barai

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1 Answers

it looks like you are creating Bindings incorrectly (try to confirm it from Visual Studio Output window - it reports messages about incorrect bindings).

for example:

setBinding("Labels", Labels, yAxis, Axis.LabelsProperty);

public void setBinding(string propertyName, object source, FrameworkElement control, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty)
    Binding binding = new Binding(propertyName)
        Source = source
    control.SetBinding(dependencyProperty, binding);

Labels is a string[], and you have a binding , which attempts to use "Labels" property - which doesn't exist.

you need a valid binding source, most likely DataContext:

setBinding("LabelFormatter", DataContext, xAxis, Axis.LabelFormatterProperty);
setBinding("Labels", DataContext, yAxis, Axis.LabelsProperty);
setBinding("Series", DataContext, chart, CartesianChart.SeriesProperty);

or better yet - don't specify source and all bindings will connect to current DataContext, even if it updates:

public void setBinding(string propertyName, object source, FrameworkElement control, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty)
    Binding binding = new Binding(propertyName);
    control.SetBinding(dependencyProperty, binding);
like image 144
ASh Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10