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C++ why does passing an lvalue to a move constructor work for templates?

I have this code, which doesn't compile, which is expected.

This is the error: an rvalue reference cannot be bound to an lvalue

class SomeData
    vector<int> data;

        cout << "SomeData ctor" << endl;

    SomeData(const SomeData &other)
        cout << "SomeData copy ctor" << endl;
        data = other.data;

    SomeData(SomeData &&other)
        cout << "SomeData move ctor" << endl;
        data = move(other.data);

        cout << "SomeData dtor" << endl;

    void Print() const
        for(int i : data)
            cout << i;

        cout << endl;

void Function(SomeData &&someData)
    SomeData localData(someData);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    SomeData data;
    Function(data);                       // ERROR


    return 0;

But, when I turn Function() into a template, it works fine, and uses the copy constructor of SomeData instead.

template<class T>
void Function(T &&someData)
    T localData(someData);                  // no more error

Is this standard C++ behaviour?

I've noticed that visual studio tends to be more forgiving when it comes to templates, so I am wondering if I can expect this same behaviour from all compliant C++11 compilers.

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CuriousGeorge Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 03:07


2 Answers

Yes. In the case of a template function, the compiler deduces the template argument T such that it matches the argument given.

Since someData is in fact an lvalue, T is deduced as SomeData &. The declaration of Function, after type deduction, then becomes

void Function(SomeData & &&)

and SomeData & &&, following the rules for reference collapsing, becomes SomeData &.

Hence, the function argument someData becomes an lvalue-reference and is passed as such to the initialization of localData. Note that (as @aschepler pointed out correctly) localData is declared as T, so it is itself a reference of type SomeData &. Hence, no copy construction happens here – just the initialization of a reference.

If you want localData to be an actual copy, you would have to turn the type from SomeData & into SomeData, i.e. you would have to remove the & from the type. You could do this using std::remove_reference:

template<class T>
void Function(T &&someData)
   /* Create a copy, rather than initialize a reference: */
    typename std::remove_reference<T>::type localData(someData);

(For this, you'd have to #include <type_traits>.)

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jogojapan Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


It is indeed intended behavior. Template functions of the form:

template< class T >
Ret Function( T&& param )

follows special rules (Ret can be or not a template, it doesn't matter). T&& is called a universal reference and it can basically bind to anything. This is because when template deduction kicks in and the param is in that form (beware, vector<T>&& is not a universal reference, neither is C<T> for any other template parameter), the reference collapsing rule is applied:

T = int& => T&& = int& && and that collapse to a single int&

the complete table of corrispondence is:

& + && = &
&& + & = &
&& + && = &&

So when you have the above function

int a = 5;
int b& = a;
Function( a ); // (1)
Function( b ); // (2)
Function( 3 ); // (3)

In case 1, T = int& and the deduced type is int& (since a is an lvalue) so Function has the following signature:

Ret Function( int& param ) // int& && collapses to int&

In case 2, T = int&

Ret Function( int& param ) // int& && collapses to int&

In case 3, T = int

Ret Function( int&& param ) 

This collapsing rule is what the committee found out to be reasonable to make perfect forwarding works. You can find the long story in this Scott Meyers's video

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Fulvio Esposito Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Fulvio Esposito