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C++ using scoped_ptr as a member variable

Just wanted opinions on a design question. If you have a C++ class than owns other objects, would you use smart pointers to achieve this?

class Example {
  // ...

  boost::scoped_ptr<Owned> data;

The 'Owned' object can't be stored by value because it may change through the lifetime of the object.

My view of it is that on the one side, you make it clear that the object is owned and ensure its deletion, but on the flipside, you could easily just have a regular pointer and delete it in the destructor. Is this overkill?

Follow up: Just wanted to say thanks for all your answers. Thanks for the heads-up about auto_ptr leaving the other object with a NULL pointer when the whole object is copied, I have used auto_ptr extensively but had not thought of that yet. I make basically all my classes boost::noncopyable unless I have a good reason, so there's nothing to worry about there. And thanks also for the information on memory leaks in exceptions, that's good to know too. I try not to write things which could cause exceptions in the constructor anyway - there are better ways of doing that - so that shouldn't be a problem.

I just had another question though. What I wanted when I asked this question was to know whether anyone actually did this, and you all seem to mention that it's a good idea theoretically, but no one's said they actually do it. Which surprises me! Certainly one object owning a pointer to another is not a new idea, I would have expected you all would have done it before at some point. What's going on?

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Ray Hidayat Avatar asked Feb 01 '09 11:02

Ray Hidayat

3 Answers

scoped_ptr is very good for this purpose. But one has to understand its semantics. You can group smart pointers using two major properties:

  • Copyable: A smart pointer can be copied: The copy and the original share ownership.
  • Movable: A smart pointer can be moved: The move-result will have ownership, the original won't own anymore.

That's rather common terminology. For smart pointers, there is a specific terminology which better marks those properties:

  • Transfer of Ownership: A smart pointer is Movable
  • Share of Ownership: A smart pointer is copyable. If a smart pointer is already copyable, it's easy to support transfer-of-ownership semantic: That then is just an atomic copy & reset-of-original operation, restricting that to smart pointers of certain kinds (e.g only temporary smart pointers).

Let's group the available smart pointers, using (C)opyable, and (M)ovable, (N)either:

  1. boost::scoped_ptr: N
  2. std::auto_ptr: M
  3. boost::shared_ptr: C

auto_ptr has one big problem, in that it realizes the Movable concept using a copy constructor. That is because When auto_ptr was accepted into C++, there wasn't yet a way to natively support move semantics using a move constructor, as opposed to the new C++ Standard. That is, you can do the following with auto_ptr, and it works:

auto_ptr<int> a(new int), b;
// oops, after this, a is reset. But a copy was desired!
// it does the copy&reset-of-original, but it's not restricted to only temporary
// auto_ptrs (so, not to ones that are returned from functions, for example).
b = a; 

Anyway, as we see, in your case you won't be able to transfer the ownership to another object: Your object will in effect be non-copyable. And in the next C++ Standard, it will be non-movable if you stay with scoped_ptr.

For implementing your class with scoped_ptr, watch that you either have one of these two points satisfied:

  • Write an destructor (even if it's empty) in the .cpp file of your class, or
  • Make Owned a completely defines class.

Otherwise, when you would create an object of Example, the compiler would implicitly define a destructor for you, which would call scoped_ptr's destructor:

~Example() { ptr.~scoped_ptr<Owned>(); }

That would then make scoped_ptr call boost::checked_delete, which would complain about Owned being incomplete, in case you haven't done any of the above two points. If you have defined your own dtor in the .cpp file, the implicit call to the destructor of scoped_ptr would be made from the .cpp file, in which you could place the definition of your Owned class.

You have that same problem with auto_ptr, but you have one more problem: Providing auto_ptr with an incomplete type is undefined behavior currently (maybe it will be fixed for the next C++ version). So, when you use auto_ptr, you have to make Owned a complete type within your header file.

shared_ptr doesn't have that problem, because it uses a polymorphic deleter, which makes an indirect call to the delete. So the deleting function is not instantiated at the time the destructor is instantiated, but at the time the deleter is created in shared_ptr's constructor.

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Johannes Schaub - litb Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 10:11

Johannes Schaub - litb

It's a good idea. It helps simplify your code, and ensure that when you do change the Owned object during the lifetime of the object, the previous one gets destroyed properly.

You have to remember that scoped_ptr is noncopyable, though, which makes your class noncopyable by default until/unless you add your own copy constructor, etc. (Of course, using the default copy constructor in the case of raw pointers would be a no-no too!)

If your class has more than one pointer field, then use of scoped_ptr actually improves exception safety in one case:

class C
  Owned * o1;
  Owned * o2;

  C() : o1(new Owned), o2(new Owned) {}
  ~C() { delete o1; delete o2;}

Now, imagine that during construction of a C the second "new Owned" throws an exception (out-of-memory, for example). o1 will be leaked, because C::~C() (the destructor) won't get called, because the object has not been completely constructed yet. The destructor of any completely constructed member field does get called though. So, using a scoped_ptr instead of a plain pointer will allow o1 to be properly destroyed.

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SCFrench Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 11:11


It's not overkill at all, it's a good idea.

It does require your class clients to know about boost, though. This may or may not be an issue. For portability you could consider std::auto_ptr which does (in this case) the same job. As it's private, you don't have to worry about other people attempting to copy it.

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CB Bailey Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 11:11

CB Bailey