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C#: Using pointer types as fields?

In C#, it's possible to declare a struct (or class) that has a pointer type member, like this:

unsafe struct Node
  public Node* NextNode;

Is it ever safe (err.. ignore for a moment that ironic little unsafe flag..) to use this construction? I mean for longterm storage on the heap. From what I understand, the GC is free to move things around, and while it updates the references to something that's been moved, does it update pointers too? I'm guessing no, which would make this construction very unsafe, right?

I'm sure there are way superior alternatives to doing this, but call it morbid curiosity.

EDIT: There appears to be some confusion. I know that this isn't a great construction, I purely want to know if this is ever a safe construction, ie: is the pointer guaranteed to keep pointing to whatever you originally pointed it to?

The original C-code was used to traverse a tree (depth first) without recursion, where the tree is stored in an array. The array is then traversed by incrementing a pointer, unless a certain condition is met, then the pointer is set to the NextNode, where traversal continues. Of course, the same can in C# be accomplished by:

struct Node
  public int NextNode;
  ... // other fields

Where the int is the index in the array of the next node. But for performance reasons, I'd end up fiddling with pointers and fixed arrays to avoid bounds checks anyway, and the original C-code seemed more natural.

like image 826
JulianR Avatar asked Nov 09 '09 21:11


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1 Answers

Some obvious integrity checks have been excluded. The obvious problem with this is you have to allocate more than you will need because you cannot reallocate the buffer as the keyword fixed implies.

public unsafe class NodeList
    fixed Node _Nodes[1024];
    Node* _Current;

    public NodeList(params String[] data)
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            _Nodes[i].Data = data[i];
            _Nodes[i].Next = (i < data.Length ? &_Nodes[i + 1] : null);     

        _Current = &_Nodes[0];

    public Node* Current()
        return _Current++;  

public unsafe struct Node
    public String Data;
    public Node* Next;
like image 155
ChaosPandion Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
