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C++ unit test testing, using template test class

I’m doing some C++ test driven development. I have a set of classes the do the same thing e.g.

same input gives same output (or should, that’s what I’m try to test). I’m using Visual Studio 2012’s

CppUnitTestFramework. I wanted to create a templated test class, so I write the tests once, and can template in classes as needed however I cannot find a way to do this. My aim:

/* two classes that do the same thing */
class Class1
    int method()
        return 1;

class Class2
    int method()
        return 1;

/* one set of tests for all classes */
template< class T>
        T obj;

        Assert::AreEqual( 1, obj.method());

/* only have to write small amout to test new class */
class TestClass1 : BaseTestClass<Class1>

class TestClass2 : BaseTestClass<Class1>

Is there a way I can do this using CppUnitTestFramework?

Is there another unit testing framework that would allow me to do this?

like image 460
Dan H Avatar asked Jul 03 '13 07:07

Dan H

1 Answers

I do not know if there is a way to do this with CppUnitTestFramework, with which I am unfamiliar, but something you can certainly do in googletest is specify an arbitrary list of classes and have the framework generate (template-wise) the same test(s) for all of them. I think that would fit your bill.

You can download googletest as source here.

The idiom you will want is:

typedef ::testing::Types</* List of types to test */> MyTypes;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(FooTest, MyTypes);
TYPED_TEST(FooTest, DoesBlah) {
    /*  Here TypeParam is instantiated for each of the types
        in MyTypes. If there are N types you get N tests.
    // ...test code

TYPED_TEST(FooTest, DoesSomethingElse) {
    // ...test code

Study the primer and the samples. Then go to the AdvancedGuide for Typed Tests

Also check out More Assertions

like image 64
Mike Kinghan Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Mike Kinghan