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C# to Java - Dictionaries?

Is it possible in Java to make a Dictionary with the items already declared inside it? Just like the below C# code:

   Dictionary<string, int> d = new Dictionary<string, int>()     {         {"cat", 2},         {"dog", 1},         {"llama", 0},         {"iguana", -1}     }; 

How do I do this and what type do I use? I've read that Dictionary is obsolete.

like image 775
WildBamaBoy Avatar asked Jul 31 '11 00:07


1 Answers

This will do what you want:

Map<String,Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(){{     put("cat", 2);     put("dog", 1);     put("llama", 0);     put("iguana", -1); }}; 

This statement creates an anonymous subclass of HashMap, where the only difference from the parent class is that the 4 entries are added during instance creation. It's a fairly common idiom in the Java world (although some find it controversial because it creates a new class definition).

Because of this controversy, as of Java 9 there is a new idiom for conveniently constructing maps: the family of static Map.of methods.

With Java 9 or higher you can create the map you need as follows:

Map<String, Integer> map = Map.of(     "cat", 2,     "dog", 1,     "llama", 0,     "iguana", -1 ); 

With larger maps, this alternative syntax may be less error-prone:

Map<String, Integer> map = Map.ofEntries(     Map.entry("cat", 2),     Map.entry("dog", 1),     Map.entry("llama", 0),     Map.entry("iguana", -1) ); 

(This is especially nice if Map.entry is statically imported instead of being referenced explicitly).

Besides only working with Java 9+, these new approaches are not quite equivalent to the previous one:

  • They don't allow you to specify what Map implementation is used
  • They only create immutable maps
  • They don't create an anonymous subclass of Map

However, these differences shouldn't matter for many use cases, making this a good default approach for newer versions of Java.

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Sean Reilly Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10

Sean Reilly