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C++ Templates - LinkedList

EDIT -- Answered below, missed the angled braces. Thanks all.

I have been attempting to write a rudimentary singly linked list, which I can use in other programs. I wish it to be able to work with built-in and user defined types, meaning it must be templated.

Due to this my node must also be templated, as I do not know the information it is going to store. I have written a node class as follows -

template <class T> class Node
    T data; //the object information
    Node* next; //pointer to the next node element

    //Methods omitted for brevity

My linked list class is implemented in a seperate class, and needs to instantiate a node when adding new nodes to the end of the list. I have implemented this as follows -

#include <iostream>
#include "Node.h"
using namespace std;

template <class T> class CustomLinkedList
    Node<T> *head, *tail;


        head = NULL;
        tail = NULL;



    //Method adds info to the end of the list
    void add(T info)
        if(head == NULL) //if our list is currently empty
            head = new Node<T>; //Create new node of type T
            tail = head;
        else //if not empty add to the end and move the tail
            Node* temp = new Node<T>;
            tail = tail->getNext();

    //print method omitted

I have set up a driver/test class as follows -

#include "CustomLinkedList.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    CustomLinkedList<int> firstList;

    //Pause the program until input is received
    int i;
    cin >> i;

    return 0;

I get an error upon compilation however - error C2955: 'Node' : use of class template requires template argument list - which points me to the following line of code in my add method -

Node* temp = new Node<T>;

I do not understand why this has no information about the type, since it was passed to linked list when created in my driver class. What should I be doing to pass the type information to Node?

Should I create a private node struct instead of a seperate class, and combine the methods of both classes in one file? I'm not certain this would overcome the problem, but I think it might. I would rather have seperate classes if possible though.

Thanks, Andrew.

like image 960
Drew_StackID Avatar asked Jan 16 '10 23:01


People also ask

Does C have a linked list?

The C Standard does not provide data structures like linked list and stack. Some compiler implementations might provide their own versions but their usage will be non portable across different compilers.

Can linked list have different data types in C?

Yes, it's allowed as long as the list is declared as List<Object> or List<Serializable> , which both String and Integer extend/implement.

2 Answers

While the answers have already been provided, I think I'll add my grain of salt.

When designing templates class, it is a good idea not to repeat the template arguments just about everywhere, just in case you wish to (one day) change a particular detail. In general, this is done by using typedefs.

template <class T>
class Node
  // bunch of types
  typedef T value_type;
  typedef T& reference_type;
  typedef T const& const_reference_type;
  typedef T* pointer_type;
  typedef T const* const_pointer_type;

  // From now on, T should never appear
  value_type m_value;
  Node* m_next;

template <class T>
class List
  // private, no need to expose implementation
  typedef Node<T> node_type;

  // From now on, T should never appear
  typedef node_type* node_pointer;

  typedef typename node_type::value_type value_type;
  typedef typename node_type::reference_type reference_type;
  typedef typename node_type::const_reference_type const_reference_type;
  // ...

  void add(value_type info);

  node_pointer m_head, m_tail;

It is also better to define the methods outside of the class declaration, makes it is easier to read the interface.

template <class T>
void List<T>::add(value_type info)
  if(head == NULL) //if our list is currently empty
    head = new node_type;
    tail = head;
  else //if not empty add to the end and move the tail
    Node* temp = new node_type;
    tail = tail->getNext();

Now, a couple of remarks:

  • it would be more user friendly if List<T>::add was returning an iterator to the newly added objects, like insert methods do in the STL (and you could rename it insert too)
  • in the implementation of List<T>::add you assign memory to temp then perform a bunch of operations, if any throws, you have leaked memory
  • the setNextNull call should not be necessary: the constructor of Node should initialize all the data member to meaningfull values, included m_next

So here is a revised version:

template <class T>
Node<T>::Node(value_type info): m_value(info), m_next(NULL) {}

template <class T>
typename List<T>::iterator insert(value_type info)
  if (m_head == NULL)
    m_head = new node_type(info);
    m_tail = m_head;
    return iterator(m_tail);
    m_tail.setNext(new node_type(info));
    node_pointer temp = m_tail;
    m_tail = temp.getNext();
    return iterator(temp);

Note how the simple fact of using a proper constructor improves our exception safety: if ever anything throw during the constructor, new is required not to allocate any memory, thus nothing is leaked and we have not performed any operation yet. Our List<T>::insert method is now resilient.

Final question:

Usual insert methods of single linked lists insert at the beginning, because it's easier:

template <class T>
typename List<T>::iterator insert(value_type info)
  m_head = new node_type(info, m_head); // if this throws, m_head is left unmodified
  return iterator(m_head);

Are you sure you want to go with an insert at the end ? or did you do it this way because of the push_back method on traditional vectors and lists ?

like image 189
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Matthieu M.

Might wanna try

Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>;

Also, to get hints on how to design the list, you can of course look at std::list, although it can be a bit daunting at times.

like image 39
villintehaspam Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10
