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C++ symbol has different size in shared object


People also ask

What is a shared object in C?

c . $ cc -o libfoo.so.1 -G -K pic foo.c. A shared object is an indivisible unit that is generated from one or more relocatable objects. Shared objects can be bound with dynamic executables to form a runable process. As their name implies, shared objects can be shared by more than one application.

How are shared objects linked?

A shared object file holds code and data suitable for linking in two contexts. First, the link editor may process it with other relocatable and shared object files to create another object file. Second, the dynamic linker combines it with an executable file and other shared objects to create a process image.

How do I view the contents of a .so file?

However, you might be able to read the SO file as a text file by opening it in a text editor like Leafpad, gedit, KWrite, or Geany if you're on Linux, or Notepad++ on Windows.

What is a shared object in Linux?

so (short for "shared object"). Shared libraries are the most common way to manage dependencies on Linux systems. These shared resources are loaded into memory before the application starts, and when several processes require the same library, it will be loaded only once on the system.

I have been working on a cross platform windowing library aimed to be used for OpenGL specifically, currently focusing on linux. I am making use of glload to manage OpenGL extensions, and this is being compiled, along with other libraries that I will use later, into an .so. This `.so is being dynamically loaded as you would expect, but at run time the program gives the following output (manually wrapped so it is easier to read):

_dist/x64-linux-debug/bin/test: Symbol `glXCreateContextAttribsARB' has \
different size in shared object, consider re-linking

Now, obviously I have tried re-linking, going as far as rebuilding the entire project many times (testing things out, not just blindly hoping it will magically make it all better). The program does seem to be willing to run as it will produce some logging output as I would expect it to. I have used nm to confirm that the 'symbol' is in the .so

nm _dist/x64-linux-debug/lib64/libvendor.so | grep glXCreateContextAttribsARB
00000000009e0e78 B glXCreateContextAttribsARB

If I use readelf to look at the symbols being defined I get the following (again, I have manually wrapped the first three lines for formatting sake):

readelf -Ws _dist/x64-linux-debug/bin/test \
_dist/x64-linux-debug/lib64/libvendor.so | \
grep glXCreateContextAttribsARB
   348: 000000000062b318  8 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT  26 glXCreateContextAttribsARB
   421: 000000000062b318  8 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT  26 glXCreateContextAttribsARB
  1370: 00000000009e0e78  8 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT  25 glXCreateContextAttribsARB
 17464: 00000000009e0e78  8 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT  25 glXCreateContextAttribsARB

I am afraid that this is about all I can offer to help, as I really do not know what to try or look into. Like I said, I am sure more will info will be need, so please just say an I will provide what I can. I am running these commands from my project root, encase you are wondering.