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How do I fill two (or more) numpy arrays from a single iterable of tuples?

The actual problem I have is that I want to store a long sorted list of (float, str) tuples in RAM. A plain list doesn't fit in my 4Gb RAM, so I thought I could use two numpy.ndarrays.

The source of the data is an iterable of 2-tuples. numpy has a fromiter function, but how can I use it? The number of items in the iterable is unknown. I can't consume it to a list first due to memory limitations. I thought of itertools.tee, but it seems to add a lot of memory overhead here.

What I guess I could do is consume the iterator in chunks and add those to the arrays. Then my question is, how to do that efficiently? Should I maybe make 2 2D arrays and add rows to them? (Then later I'd need to convert them to 1D).

Or maybe there's a better approach? Everything I really need is to search through an array of strings by the value of the corresponding number in logarithmic time (that's why I want to sort by the value of float) and to keep it as compact as possible.

P.S. The iterable is not sorted.

like image 600
Lev Levitsky Avatar asked Feb 25 '13 20:02

Lev Levitsky

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1 Answers

Here is a way to build N separate arrays out of a generator of N-tuples:

import numpy as np
import itertools as IT

def gendata():
    # You, of course, have a different gendata...
    N = 100
    for i in xrange(N):
        yield (np.random.random(), str(i))

def fromiter(iterable, dtype, chunksize=7):
    chunk = np.fromiter(IT.islice(iterable, chunksize), dtype=dtype)
    result = [chunk[name].copy() for name in chunk.dtype.names]
    size = len(chunk)
    while True:
        chunk = np.fromiter(IT.islice(iterable, chunksize), dtype=dtype)
        N = len(chunk)
        if N == 0:
        newsize = size + N
        for arr, name in zip(result, chunk.dtype.names):
            col = chunk[name]
            arr.resize(newsize, refcheck=0)
            arr[size:] = col
        size = newsize
    return result

x, y = fromiter(gendata(), '<f8,|S20')

order = np.argsort(x)
x = x[order]
y = y[order]

# Some pseudo-random value in x
N = 10
val = x[N]
print(x[N], y[N])
# (0.049875262239617246, '46')

idx = x.searchsorted(val)
print(x[idx], y[idx])
# (0.049875262239617246, '46')

The fromiter function above reads the iterable in chunks (of size chunksize). It calls the NumPy array method resize to extend the resultant arrays as necessary.

I used a small default chunksize since I was testing this code on small data. You, of course, will want to either change the default chunksize or pass a chunksize parameter with a larger value.

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unutbu Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10
