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C# Selenium Firefox - Error Exception "Browsing context has been discarded"

I'm writing a program who help my customer to download invoice PDF from a website, everything works well the first time I use drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL);. After that the program sleep for a certain amount of time and when awake starts to search through the e-mails of my customer (using S22 DLL) and if he found a certain e-mail, extracts the link from the e-mail and use (for the 2nd time) drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL);. But this time I get an exception

Browsing context has been discarded

I've tried everything possible, but the most "shock" thing is that I don't find anything on Google about this error, nor on Selenium documentation.

And I don't understand what means

I'm sure that the link works, because is the same link.

Below the code affected by this problem

P.S: The first download is executed exactly as the 2nd download.

    public static int Go(string URL, ImapClient EmailClient, uint mUID, bool isFromOutlook) {
    // While the Firefox driver isn't initialized, wait for it
    while (isDrvInit != 1 && isDrvInit != 2)
        // If the Firefox driver was not able to initialize, we can't procede further
    if (isDrvInit == 2)
        return 0;

    try {
        drv.Navigate().GoToUrl(URL); // Here the program throw the exception

        if (isLoginPage()) {
            if (!Login()) {
                if (Internet.IsAvailable()) {
                    Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_LOGIN, Error.Status.F, Error.Type.DEFAULT,
                              "Unable to log-in to the Mobilcom account... Are the e-mail/password in the config file correct?");
                    } else {
                        Error.Show(Error.Code.FIREFOX_CANT_NAVIGATE, Error.Status.W, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                                  "Can't connect to Mobilcom because Internet connection is missing...", drv.Url));

                     return 0;
            } else {
                Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_LOGIN, Error.Status.S, Error.Type.DEFAULT,
                           "Successfully logged to the Mobilcom account!");

                if (GetPdfInvoice() == true) {
                    if (isFromOutlook) {
                        MailMessage _m = EmailClient.GetMessage(mUID, true, Global.outlookSpecialFolder);

                        Error.Show(Error.Code._DEFAULT, Error.Status.S, Error.Type.OUTLOOK, String.Format(
                                  "PDF Invoice: Subject: [{0}] | Downloaded from the link '{1}' successfully saved! :)",
                                   _m.Subject, drv.Url));
                        } else {
                            MailMessage _m = EmailClient.GetMessage(mUID, true, Global.gmailSpecialFolder);

                            Error.Show(Error.Code._DEFAULT, Error.Status.S, Error.Type.GMAIL, String.Format(
                                       "PDF Invoice: Subject: [{0}] | Downloaded from the link '{1}' successfully saved! :)",
                                        _m.Subject, drv.Url));
                } else {
                    if (!Internet.IsAvailable()) {
                        Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_NO_INTERNET, Error.Status.W, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                                   "Can't download the PDF Invoice from '{0}' because Internet connection is missing!",
                        } else {
                            Error.Show(Error.Code.MOBILCOM_CANT_D_PDF, Error.Status.F, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format (
                                      "Unknow Exception: Can't download the PDF Invoice from '{0}', retrying to download next time...",

        } else {
        // Still nothing

        return 1;
    } catch {
        if (!Internet.IsAvailable()) {
            Error.Show(Error.Code.FIREFOX_CANT_NAVIGATE, Error.Status.W, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                      "Unable to continue on Mobilcom because Internet connection is missing, retrying to download next time..."));
        } else {
            Error.Show(Error.Code.FIREFOX_CANT_NAVIGATE, Error.Status.F, Error.Type.DEFAULT, String.Format(
                      "Unknow Exception: Unable to reach the '{0}' URL", drv.Url));

        return 0;


The CloseUnnecessaryTabs() code closes every tab opened and leaves only one to avoid Firefox to be closed

private static void CloseUnnecessaryTabs() {
                if (drv.WindowHandles.Count > 1) {
                    for (int i = drv.WindowHandles.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) {
like image 297
Mutu A. Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 19:06

Mutu A.

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1 Answers

I have found the bug in my code which caused this exception.

I have forgot to switch back to the "main" tab after closing the unnecessary tabs, I have solved adding drv.SwitchTo().Window(drv.WindowHandles[0]); to my CloseUnnecessaryTabs() code.

private static void CloseUnnecessaryTabs() {
                if (drv.WindowHandles.Count > 1) {
                    for (int i = drv.WindowHandles.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) {

                drv.SwitchTo().Window(drv.WindowHandles[0]); // <-- The solution

I have found a "hint" here

Each browsing context has an associated list of known elements. When the browsing context is discarded, the list of known elements is discarded along with it.

like image 90
Mutu A. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Mutu A.