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C Programming: Debugging with pthreads

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What is pthreads in C?

The POSIX thread libraries are a standards based thread API for C/C++. It allows one to spawn a new concurrent process flow. It is most effective on multi-processor or multi-core systems where the process flow can be scheduled to run on another processor thus gaining speed through parallel or distributed processing.

Valgrind is an excellent tool to find race conditions and pthreads API misuses. It keeps a model of program memory (and perhaps of shared resources) accesses and will detect missing locks even when the bug is benign (which of course means that it will completely unexpectedly become less benign at some later point).

To use it, you invoke valgrind --tool=helgrind, here is its manual. Also, there is valgrind --tool=drd (manual). Helgrind and DRD use different models so they detect overlapping but possibly different set of bugs. False positives also may occur.

Anyway, valgrind has saved countless hours of debugging (not all of them though :) for me.

One of the things that will suprise you about debugging threaded programs is that you will often find the bug changes, or even goes away when you add printf's or run the program in the debugger (colloquially known as a Heisenbug).

In a threaded program, a Heisenbug usually means you have a race condition. A good programmer will look for shared variables or resources that are order-dependent. A crappy programmer will try to blindly fix it with sleep() statements.

Debugging a multithreaded application is difficult. A good debugger such as GDB (with optional DDD front end) for the *nix environment or the one that comes with Visual Studio on windows will help tremendously.

In the 'thinking' phase, before you start coding, use the State Machine concept. It can make the design much clearer.

printf's can help you understand the dynamics of your program. But they clutter up the source code, so use a macro DEBUG_OUT() and in its definition enable it with a boolean flag. Better still, set/clear this flag with a signal that you send via 'kill -USR1'. Send the output to a log file with a timestamp.

also consider using assert(), and then analyze your core dumps using gdb and ddd.

My approach to multi-threaded debugging is similar to single-threaded, but more time is usually spent in the thinking phase:

  1. Develop a theory as to what could be causing the problem.

  2. Determine what kind of results could be expected if the theory is true.

  3. If necessary, add code that can disprove or verify your results and theory.

  4. If your theory is true, fix the problem.

Often, the 'experiment' that proves the theory is the addition of a critical section or mutex around suspect code. I will then try to narrow down the problem by systematically shrinking the critical section. Critical sections are not always the best fix (though can often be the quick fix). However, they're useful for pinpointing the 'smoking gun'.

Like I said, the same steps apply to single-threaded debugging, though it is far too easy to just jump into a debugger and have at it. Multi-threaded debugging requires a much stronger understanding of the code, as I usually find the running multi-threaded code through a debugger doesn't yield anything useful.

Also, hellgrind is a great tool. Intel's Thread Checker performs a similar function for Windows, but costs a lot more than hellgrind.