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C++ Multiply defined symbols using a header defined template class

I'm working on a project with a DLL and an EXE in visual studio 2005. Amongst the code for the DLL is a template for a growable array class:

template <class Type>
class GArray
    Type *p;
    uint32 len;
    uint32 alloc;

    bool fixed;

    /// Constructor
    GArray(int PreAlloc = 0)
        p = 0;
        len = 0;
        fixed = false;

        alloc = PreAlloc;
        if (alloc)
            int Bytes = sizeof(Type) * alloc;
            p = (Type*) malloc(Bytes);
            if (p)
                memset(p, 0, Bytes);
                alloc = 0;

    /// Destructor  

    /// Returns the number of used entries
    uint32 Length() const
        return len;

    /// Sets the length of available entries
    bool Length(uint32 i)
        if (i > 0)
            if (i > len && fixed)
                return false;

            uint nalloc = alloc;
            if (i < len)
                // Shrinking
                // Expanding
                int b;
                for (b = 4; (1 << b) < i; b++)
                nalloc = 1 << b;
                LgiAssert(nalloc >= i);

            if (nalloc != alloc)
                Type *np = (Type*)malloc(sizeof(Type) * nalloc);
                if (!np)
                    return false;

                if (p)
                    // copy across common elements
                    memcpy(np, p, min(len, i) * sizeof(Type));
                p = np;
                alloc = nalloc;

            if (i > len)
                // zero new elements
                memset(p + len, 0, sizeof(Type) * (i - len));

            len = i;
            if (p)
                int Length = len;
                for (uint i=0; i<Length; i++)
                p = 0;
            len = alloc = 0;

        return true;

    GArray<Type> &operator =(const GArray<Type> &a)
        if (p && a.p)
            for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
                p[i] = a.p[i];
        return *this;

    /// \brief Returns a reference a given entry.
    /// If the entry is off the end of the array and "fixed" is false,
    /// it will grow to make it valid.
    Type &operator [](uint32 i)
        static Type t;
            i < 0
            (fixed && i >= len)
            return t;

        #if 0
        if (i > 15000000)
            #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)

            return t;

        if (i >= alloc)
            // increase array length
            uint nalloc = max(alloc, GARRAY_MIN_SIZE);
            while (nalloc <= i)
                nalloc <<= 1;

            // alloc new array
            Type *np = (Type*) malloc(sizeof(Type) * nalloc);
            if (np)
                // clear new cells
                memset(np + len, 0, (nalloc - len) * sizeof(Type));
                if (p)
                    // copy across old cells
                    memcpy(np, p, len * sizeof(Type));

                    // clear old array

                // new values
                p = np;
                alloc = nalloc;
                static Type *t = 0;
                return *t;

        // adjust length of the the array
        if (i + 1 > len)
            len = i + 1;

        return p[i];

    /// Delete all the entries as if they are pointers to objects
    void DeleteObjects()
        for (uint i=0; i<len; i++)

    /// Delete all the entries as if they are pointers to arrays
    void DeleteArrays()
        for (int i=0; i<len; i++)

    /// Find the index of entry 'n'
    int IndexOf(Type n)
        for (uint i=0; i<len; i++)
            if (p[i] == n) return i;

        return -1;

    /// Returns true if the item 'n' is in the array
    bool HasItem(Type n)
        return IndexOf(n) >= 0;

    /// Deletes an entry
    bool DeleteAt
        /// The index of the entry to delete
        uint Index,
        /// true if the order of the array matters, otherwise false.
        bool Ordered = false
        if (p && Index >= 0 && Index < len)
            // Delete the object

            // Move the memory up
            if (Index < len - 1)
                if (Ordered)
                    memmove(p + Index, p + Index + 1, (len - Index - 1) * sizeof(Type) );
                    p[Index] = p[len-1];

            // Adjust length
            return true;

        return false;

    /// Deletes the entry 'n'
    bool Delete
        /// The value of the entry to delete
        Type n,
        /// true if the order of the array matters, otherwise false.
        bool Ordered = false
        int i = IndexOf(n);
        if (p && i >= 0)
            return DeleteAt(i, Ordered);

        return false;

    /// Appends an element
    void Add
        /// Item to insert
        const Type &n
        (*this)[len] = n;

    /// Appends multiple elements
    void Add
        /// Items to insert
        Type *s,
        /// Length of array
        int count

        if (!s || count < 1)

        int i = len;
        Length(len + count);
        Type *d = p + i;
        while (count--)
            *d++ = *s++;

    /// Inserts an element into the array
    bool AddAt
        /// Item to insert before
        int Index,
        /// Item to insert
        Type n
        // Make room
        if (Length(len + 1))
            if (Index < len - 1)
                // Shift elements after insert point up one
                memmove(p + Index + 1, p + Index, (len - Index - 1) * sizeof(Type) );
            else if (Index >= len)
                // Add at the end, not after the end...
                Index = len - 1;

            // Insert item
            p[Index] = n;

            return true;

        return false;

    /// Sorts the array
    void Sort(int (*Compare)(Type*, Type*))
        typedef int (*qsort_compare)(const void *, const void *);
        qsort(p, len, sizeof(Type), (qsort_compare)Compare);

    /// \returns a reference to a new object on the end of the array
    Type &New()
        return (*this)[len];

    /// Returns the memory held by the array and sets itself to empty
    Type *Release()
        Type *Ptr = p;
        p = 0;
        len = alloc = 0;
        return Ptr;

I've reused this code in the EXE in several places. However when I use it in one particular file I start getting duplicate symbol link errors:

2>lgi8d.lib(Lgi8d.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: int __thiscall GArray<char *>::Length(void)" (?Length@?$GArray@PAD@@QAEHXZ) already defined in FrameStore.obj
2>D:\Home\matthew\network_camera\src\vod_test\Debug\vod_test.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

I've used the same class in other files in the EXE without error. e.g. in Camera.cpp I have:

void DeleteFromArray(GArray<char> &a, int Start, int Len)
    assert(Len >= 0);

    int64 StartTs = LgiCurrentTime();

    int Del = min(Len, a.Length() - Start);
    if (Del > 0)
        int Remain = a.Length() - Start - Del;
        if (Remain > 0)
            memmove(&a[Start], &a[Start+Del], Remain);
            MoveBytes += Remain;
        else a.Length(Start);

    int64 End = LgiCurrentTime();
    DeleteTime += End - StartTs;

which compiles and links ok... but in FrameStore.cpp:

void Scan()
    if (!Init)
        Init = true;
        GAutoString Path = FrameFile::GetPath();
        GAutoPtr<GDirectory> Dir(FileDev->GetDir());
        GArray<char*> k;

        int64 Size = 0;
        for (bool b = Dir->First(Path); b; b = Dir->Next())
            if (!Dir->IsDir())
                char *e = LgiGetExtension(Dir->GetName());
                if (e && !stricmp(e, "mjv"))
                    char p[MAX_PATH];
                    Dir->Path(p, sizeof(p));
                    Size += Dir->GetSize();

        GAutoPtr<Prog> p(new Prog(Size));
        for (int i=0; i<k.Length(); i++)
            Files.Add(new FrameFile(k[i], p));


Causes the link error on the line with "k.Length()" in it... if I comment out that it links! Yet I'm using other methods in the GArray class in the same code and they don't cause a problem.

Why should a template class thats defined entirely in a header be having this issue in the first place?

like image 562
fret Avatar asked Oct 26 '22 05:10


1 Answers

The problem:

There is another class defined in Lgi.dll that exports the GArray instantiation.

#ifdef LGI_DLL
    #define LgiClass        __declspec(dllexport)
    #define LgiClass        __declspec(dllimport)

class LgiClass GToken : public GArray<char*>
    /// stuff...

The solution:

Include that GToken header in my EXE, specifically the FrameStore.cpp file that uses the GArray implementation, then the compile will import those symbols from the DLL instead of duplicate them.

It would have been nice if the compiler could give me more of a hint at where the DLL was defining the symbol. Simply saying "there a duplicate somewhere" is not very helpful.

like image 129
fret Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 20:11
