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C++ multiple interfaces that only differ in return type?

Doing an experiment of translating .NET IL to C++ in a human readable fashion.

Here is the issue: C# allows you to resolve multiple interfaces with the same method name that only differ in return type. C++ doesn't seem to support this however making resolving two interfaces impossible using the vTable (or am i wrong?).

I've found a way to replicate the C# approach in C++ using templates but am wondering if there is a way that doesn't require templates that solves the same issue? Templates are verbose and I'd prefer not using them for every interface type if possible.

Here is the C++ version.

template<typename T>
class IMyInterface
    public: short (T::*Foo_IMyInterface)() = 0;

template<typename T>
class IMyInterface2
    public: int (T::*Foo_IMyInterface2)() = 0;

class MyClass : public IMyInterface<MyClass>, public IMyInterface2<MyClass>
    public: MyClass()
        Foo_IMyInterface = &MyClass::Foo;
        Foo_IMyInterface2 = &MyClass::IMyInterface2_Foo;

    public: virtual short Foo()
        return 1;

    private: int IMyInterface2_Foo()
        return 1;

class MyClass2 : public MyClass
    public: virtual short Foo() override
        return 2;

void InvokeFoo(IMyInterface<MyClass>* k)

void main()
    auto a = new MyClass2();

Here is the C# reference source the C++ one is based on.

interface IMyInterface
    short Foo();

interface IMyInterface2
    int Foo();

class MyClass : IMyInterface, IMyInterface2
    public virtual short Foo()
        return 1;

    int IMyInterface2.Foo()
        return 1;

class MyClass2 : MyClass
    public override short Foo()
        return 2;

namespace CSTest
    class Program
        static void InvokeFoo(IMyInterface k)

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var a = new MyClass2();

This C++ method doesn't work below but wish it did (its more what I'm going for).

class IMyInterface
    public: virtual short Foo() = 0;

class IMyInterface2
    public: virtual int Foo() = 0;

class MyClass : public IMyInterface, public IMyInterface2
    public: virtual short Foo()
        return 1;

    private: int IMyInterface2::Foo()// compiler error
        return 1;

class MyClass2 : public MyClass
    public: virtual short Foo() override
        return 2;

void InvokeFoo(IMyInterface* k)

void main()
    auto a = new MyClass2();
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zezba9000 Avatar asked Jan 15 '19 07:01


2 Answers

The problem is that you can't overload based on return type alone.


  • Tutorialspoint
  • Is it possible to have different return types for a overloaded method?
  • Function overloading by return type?

The last stackoverflow thread points out overloading is possible using operators.

struct func {
    operator string() { return "1"; }
    operator int() { return 2; }

int main() {
    int x = func(); // calls int version
    string y = func(); // calls string version
    double d = func(); // calls int version
    cout << func() << endl; // calls int version
    func(); // calls neither

You can't name them though, this would quickly turn into a mess to work with.

The argument list has to change. Victor Padureau suggested to use void return types and pass the type of value as reference to be set to a value in the method, that will work. You can also change the method name for the different types.

class my_interface
    virtual short foo_short() = 0;

class my_interface2
    virtual int foo_int() = 0;

class my_class : public my_interface, public my_interface2
    short foo_short() override
        return 1;

    int foo_int() override
        return 1;

class my_class2 : public my_class
    virtual short foo_short() override
        return 2;

void InvokeFoo(my_interface* k)
    short result = k->foo_short();
    std::cout << result << std::endl;

void main()
    auto a = new my_class2();
like image 93
fstam Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10


I have a solution that might work. It's not perfect, but it is a way to workaround the issue if you are porting.

Instead of calling int foo() you can call void foo(int& out) that way you are putting the return type in the calling part of the function.

like image 23
Victor Padureanu Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Victor Padureanu