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c++ lambda function calls pure virtual function

I am trying to create a wrapper class for std::thread. This class provides a kick method which starts the thread and calls a pure virtual function. I am using a derived class to call this kick method and derived class also has implemented the virtual function.

class Executor
    // constructor

    // destructor

    // kick thread execution
    void Kick();

    // thread execution function
    virtual void StartExecution() = 0;

    // thread handle
    std::thread mThreadHandle;

Following is the implementation of executor class

    // Nothing to be done here

    if (mThreadHandle.joinable())

void Executor::Kick()
    // mThreadHandle = std::thread(&Executor::StartExecution, this);
    mThreadHandle = std::thread([this] {this->StartExecution();});

I am using a Consumer class which inherits this class and implements StartExecution method. When i use the kick method it shows pure virtual function called and program terminates.

std::unique_ptr<Consumer> consumer = std::make_unique<Consumer>();

In the executor kick method. I added a breakpoint and started looking what is wrong. It comes to the

mThreadHandle = std::thread([this] {this->StartExecution();});

line twice. First because of the kick method, second to execute the lambda function. The first time I see that this points to Consumer class. But when it comes to the lambda function it is messed up and the vptr is pointing to the pure virtual function.

I would be interested in what is wrong in this instead of simple answers.

like image 667
theadnangondal Avatar asked Jun 02 '18 16:06


2 Answers

Just a guess based on what I've tried: your Consumer gets destructed before the thread executes.

I've made ~Executor virtual and added some print statements for relevant function calls.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

class Executor
    // constructor

    // destructor
    virtual ~Executor();

    // kick thread execution
    void Kick();

    // thread execution function
    virtual void StartExecution() { std::cout << "Executor::Kick\n"; }

    // thread handle
    std::thread mThreadHandle;

    // Nothing to be done here

    std::cout << "~Executor\n";
    if (mThreadHandle.joinable())

void Executor::Kick()
    // mThreadHandle = std::thread(&Executor::StartExecution, this);
    mThreadHandle = std::thread([this] {this->StartExecution();});

class Consumer: public Executor {
    ~Consumer() {
        std::cout << "~Consumer\n";
    virtual void StartExecution() { std::cout << "Consumer::Kick\n"; }

int main() {
        std::cout << "1:\n";
        std::unique_ptr<Consumer> consumer = std::make_unique<Consumer>();
        std::cout << "2:\n";
        std::unique_ptr<Consumer> consumer = std::make_unique<Consumer>();
        std::cout << "Sleeping for a bit\n";
    return 0;


Sleeping for a bit

See it run here

Sleeping before destroying the consumer lets the thread run and call the correct function. A "real" solution would be to ensure that the consumer lives at least as long as the thread itself. Since the thread exists in the base class Executor this isn't guaranteed, as derived classes are destructed before base classes.

From cppreference (emphasis mine):

When a virtual function is called directly or indirectly from a constructor or from a destructor (including during the construction or destruction of the class’s non-static data members, e.g. in a member initializer list), and the object to which the call applies is the object under construction or destruction, the function called is the final overrider in the constructor’s or destructor’s class and not one overriding it in a more-derived class. In other words, during construction or destruction, the more-derived classes do not exist.

This appears to apply when a member function is called in a different thread during construction/destruction.

like image 197
Kevin Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10


Thr program goes out of memory even before the thread gets a chance to call the function. If you change your code like this

void Executor::Kick()
    mThreadHandle = std::thread([this] {this->StartExecution();});
    this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); // any number

this will work.

That's the precise reason why you can't pass the this by reference in capture list

Now about your specific question

I would be interested in what is wrong in this instead of simple answers.

The vPTR points to VTable and as the class goes out of the memory, the vPTR points to base class VTable and hence this is happening. you can check the same by printing the vTable address before calling the function

like image 43
Deepak Kr Gupta Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10

Deepak Kr Gupta