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C# if statement syntax with list of objects

I have a list of objects, called Attributes, that, essentially, i need to do the following in C#

if (list.Contains(Attribute where getName() == "owner"))
   do stuff

the problem I'm having is the nested bracket bit of the if - "Attribute where getName() == "owner". This is my code - it doesn't work, obviously, but most of the if should be right, it's just getting that i need to do the bit in forward slashes and i don't know how.

if (attributes.Contains(Attribute /where/ attribute.getName() == "Owner"))
        string value = attr.getValue();
        value = value.Replace(domain, "");
        user = value;

I'm probably being dense, but I had to restart 3 days development to change everything to using Attribute objects, so my brain is rather destroyed. Sorry.

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omicronlyrae Avatar asked Jul 21 '10 13:07


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2 Answers

If you are using a version of .NET that supports LINQ (3.5 or higher), try

    do stuff

This has the nice advantage of being fairly readable by whoever has to maintain this code.

like image 121
murgatroid99 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10


if(list.Exists(e=>e.getName() == "owner")) {
like image 39
nos Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
