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C++ How to specify all friends of a templated class with a default argument?

To define a friend of a templated class with a default argument, do you need to specify all friends as in the code below (which works)?

// Different class implementations

// Graph class has default template argument CIT_CHECK
template <typename T, ClassImplType impl_type = CIT_CHECK>
class graph {

// Vertex class
template <typename T>
class vertex {
  friend class graph<T, CIT_CHECK>;
  friend class graph<T, CIT_FAST>;
  friend class graph<T, CIT_GPU>;
  friend class graph<T, CIT_SSE>;

I can imagine that there is a shorter way to denote that the friend is defined for all possible ClassImplType enum values. Something like friend class graph<T, ClassImplType>, but the latter doesn't work of course.

Apologies if the terminology I use is incorrect.

like image 631
Anne van Rossum Avatar asked Oct 24 '12 18:10

Anne van Rossum

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Default parameters for templates in C++: Like function default arguments, templates can also have default arguments.

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A template argument for a template template parameter is the name of a class template. When the compiler tries to find a template to match the template template argument, it only considers primary class templates. (A primary template is the template that is being specialized.)

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There is no semantic difference between class and typename in a template-parameter. typename however is possible in another context when using templates - to hint at the compiler that you are referring to a dependent type. §14.6.

1 Answers

I can imagine that there is a shorter way to denote that the friend is defined for all possible ClassImplType enum values.

Sadly, there really isn't. You might try with

template<ClassImplType I> friend class graph<T, I>;

but the standard simply forbids one to befriend partial specializations:

§14.5.4 [temp.friend] p8

Friend declarations shall not declare partial specializations. [ Example:

template<class T> class A { };
class X {
  template<class T> friend class A<T*>; // error

—end example ]

You can only either befriend them all:

template<class U, ClassImplType I>
friend class graph;

Or a specific one:

friend class graph<T /*, optional-second-arg*/>;

I can't see how befriending all possible specializations might cause a problem here, to be honest, but let's assume it does. One workaround I know would be using the passkey pattern, though we'll use a slightly cut-down version (we can't use the allow mechanism here, since it doesn't work well for allowing access to all specializations of a template):

template<class T>
class passkey{    
  friend T;

  // optional
  //passkey(passkey const&) = delete;
  //passkey(passkey&&) = delete;

// Different class implementations

template<class> struct vertex;

// Graph class has default template argument CIT_CHECK
template <typename T, ClassImplType impl_type = CIT_CHECK>
class graph {
  void call_f(vertex<T>& v){ v.f(passkey<graph>()); }

// Vertex class
template <typename T>
class vertex {
  template<ClassImplType I>
  void f(passkey<graph<T,I>>){}

Live example with tests.

You'll note that you need to make all functionality that graph needs to access public, but that's not a problem thanks to the passkeys, which can only ever be created by the specified graph specializations.

You can also go farther and create a proxy class which can be used to access the vertex functionality (only graph changes):

// Graph class has default template argument CIT_CHECK
template <typename T, ClassImplType impl_type = CIT_CHECK>
class graph{
  typedef passkey<graph> key;
  // proxy for succinct multiple operations
  struct vertex_access{
    vertex_access(vertex<T>& v, key k)
      : _v(v), _key(k){}

    void f(){ _v.f(_key); }

    vertex<T>& _v;
    key _key;

  void call_f(vertex<T>& v){
    vertex_access va(v, key());
    va.f(); va.f(); va.f();
    // or

Live example.

like image 85
Xeo Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 22:11
