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C++ how to set a fixed decimal precision for a float

I have an API call which returns a double. The double's decimal length can variate from many decimal places to a few (it all comes down to the state of an actuator). This double represents the current position on the range radius of an actuator. I am not interested in such a detailed number, because it adds alot of noise to the system. I've been using floats to save space, but still I have floats which have 6-8 decimal length. I am not interested in floor or ceil, simply because it doesn't do the job i want. For example, I have the numbers:


I want the precision to be set to 2 decimal places no matter what. I am NOT talking about the output precision on std::cout, I know how to set this. I am talking about the actual precision of the float. i.e: I am interested in floats who will have 0.XX format and 0.XX00000000000 actual precision. Therefore transforming the above list to:


I know boost has a numerical conversion template, but I cannot figure out how to convert from float to float using a lower precision. Can somebody please help ?

like image 628
Ælex Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 15:02


1 Answers

Can't you just round it.

float round(float num, int precision)
    return floorf(num * pow(10.0f,precision) + .5f)/pow(10.0f,precision);
like image 69
Sophy Pal Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 06:03

Sophy Pal