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c# How to generate a tournament bracket HTML table





so i have been stuck with this issue for 3 weeks now and i couldn't for the life of me figure it out. what im trying to do is to get this kind of output/presentation using tables.


it's a bracketing system for a kickball tournament. so my model looks like this

public class Match{
public int id {get;set;}
public int teamid1 {get;set;}
public int teamid2 {get;set;}
public int roundnumber {get;set;}
public int winner {get;set;}

so, what i'm doing now is i loop through the rounds first say, there are for rounds i would do this

for(int r = 1; r < bracketRounds; r++){
   for(m = 1; m < roundMatches +1; m++){
      matchGroup = "<tr><td>" + team1 + "</td></tr>"
                 + "<tr><td>vs</td></tr>"
                 + "<tr><td>" + team2 + "</td></tr>";

but then this would just produce a 1 column table that will show all the matches. was wondering if anyone could help / point me to the right direction as to how i should approach this so that i can insert the subsequent rows to the right of the first row so it'll have a bracket like ouput.


like image 630
gdubs Avatar asked Mar 16 '12 05:03


1 Answers

Here's my attempt. I have tested the code for 2, 3, and 4 Round Tournaments. The outputs for a 2-Round and 3-Round tournament are shown here:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I have used the same model that you provided to define a Match. I have added a Tournament class to generate test data.

Match.cs - The class containing the models

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace tournament
    public class Match
        public int id { get; set; }
        public int teamid1 { get; set; }
        public int teamid2 { get; set; }
        public int roundnumber { get; set; }
        public int winner { get; set; }

        public Match(int id, int teamid1, int teamid2, int roundnumber, int winner)
            this.id = id;
            this.teamid1 = teamid1;
            this.teamid2 = teamid2;
            this.roundnumber = roundnumber;
            this.winner = winner;

    public class Tournament
        public SortedList<int, SortedList<int, Match>> TournamentRoundMatches { get; private set; }
        public Match ThirdPlaceMatch { get; private set; }

        public Tournament(int rounds)
            this.TournamentRoundMatches = new SortedList<int, SortedList<int, Match>>();
            if (rounds > 1)

        public void AddMatch(Match m)
            if (this.TournamentRoundMatches.ContainsKey(m.roundnumber))
                if (!this.TournamentRoundMatches[m.roundnumber].ContainsKey(m.id))
                    this.TournamentRoundMatches[m.roundnumber].Add(m.id, m);
                this.TournamentRoundMatches.Add(m.roundnumber, new SortedList<int, Match>());
                this.TournamentRoundMatches[m.roundnumber].Add(m.id, m);

        private void GenerateTournamentResults(int rounds)
            Random WinnerRandomizer = new Random();

            for (int round = 1, match_id = 1; round <= rounds; round++)
                int matches_in_round = 1 << (rounds - round);
                for (int round_match = 1; round_match <= matches_in_round; round_match++, match_id++)
                    int team1_id;
                    int team2_id;
                    int winner;
                    if (round == 1)
                        team1_id = (match_id * 2) - 1;
                        team2_id = (match_id * 2);
                        int match1 = (match_id - (matches_in_round * 2) + (round_match - 1));
                        int match2 = match1 + 1;
                        team1_id = this.TournamentRoundMatches[round - 1][match1].winner;
                        team2_id = this.TournamentRoundMatches[round - 1][match2].winner;
                    winner = (WinnerRandomizer.Next(1, 3) == 1) ? team1_id : team2_id;
                    this.AddMatch(new Match(match_id, team1_id, team2_id, round, winner));

        private void GenerateThirdPlaceResult(int rounds)
            Random WinnerRandomizer = new Random();
            int semifinal_matchid1 = this.TournamentRoundMatches[rounds - 1].Keys.ElementAt(0);
            int semifinal_matchid2 = this.TournamentRoundMatches[rounds - 1].Keys.ElementAt(1);
            Match semifinal_1 = this.TournamentRoundMatches[rounds - 1][semifinal_matchid1];
            Match semifinal_2 = this.TournamentRoundMatches[rounds - 1][semifinal_matchid2];
            int semifinal_loser1 = (semifinal_1.winner == semifinal_1.teamid1) ? semifinal_1.teamid2 : semifinal_1.teamid1;
            int semifinal_loser2 = (semifinal_2.winner == semifinal_2.teamid1) ? semifinal_2.teamid2 : semifinal_2.teamid1;
            int third_place_winner = (WinnerRandomizer.Next(1, 3) == 1) ? semifinal_loser1 : semifinal_loser2;
            this.ThirdPlaceMatch = new Match((1 << rounds) + 1, semifinal_loser1, semifinal_loser2, 1, third_place_winner);

I have generated the raw HTML dynamically using the static method GenerateHTMLResultsTable. This was done using only <table> without any need for <div> blocks.

Program.cs - The static Program class that initializes test data and generates the HTML

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace tournament
    class Program
        static string GenerateHTMLResultsTable(Tournament tournament)
            int match_white_span;
            int match_span;
            int position_in_match_span;
            int column_stagger_offset;
            int effective_row;
            int col_match_num;
            int cumulative_matches;
            int effective_match_id;
            int rounds = tournament.TournamentRoundMatches.Count;
            int teams = 1 << rounds;
            int max_rows = teams << 1;
            StringBuilder HTMLTable = new StringBuilder();

            HTMLTable.AppendLine("<style type=\"text/css\">");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    .thd {background: rgb(220,220,220); font: bold 10pt Arial; text-align: center;}");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    .team {color: white; background: rgb(100,100,100); font: bold 10pt Arial; border-right: solid 2px black;}");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    .winner {color: white; background: rgb(60,60,60); font: bold 10pt Arial;}");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    .vs {font: bold 7pt Arial; border-right: solid 2px black;}");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    td, th {padding: 3px 15px; border-right: dotted 2px rgb(200,200,200); text-align: right;}");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    h1 {font: bold 14pt Arial; margin-top: 24pt;}");

            HTMLTable.AppendLine("<h1>Tournament Results</h1>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
            for (int row = 0; row <= max_rows; row++)
                cumulative_matches = 0;
                HTMLTable.AppendLine("    <tr>");
                for (int col = 1; col <= rounds + 1; col++)
                    match_span = 1 << (col + 1);
                    match_white_span = (1 << col) - 1;
                    column_stagger_offset = match_white_span >> 1;
                    if (row == 0)
                        if (col <= rounds)
                            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <th class=\"thd\">Round " + col + "</th>");
                            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <th class=\"thd\">Winner</th>");
                    else if (row == 1)
                        HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"white_span\" rowspan=\"" + (match_white_span - column_stagger_offset) + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
                        effective_row = row + column_stagger_offset;
                        if (col <= rounds)
                            position_in_match_span = effective_row % match_span;
                            position_in_match_span = (position_in_match_span == 0) ? match_span : position_in_match_span;
                            col_match_num = (effective_row / match_span) + ((position_in_match_span < match_span) ? 1 : 0);
                            effective_match_id = cumulative_matches + col_match_num;
                            if ((position_in_match_span == 1) && (effective_row % match_span == position_in_match_span))
                                HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"white_span\" rowspan=\"" + match_white_span + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
                            else if ((position_in_match_span == (match_span >> 1)) && (effective_row % match_span == position_in_match_span))
                                HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"team\">Team " + tournament.TournamentRoundMatches[col][effective_match_id].teamid1 + "</td>");
                            else if ((position_in_match_span == ((match_span >> 1) + 1)) && (effective_row % match_span == position_in_match_span))
                                HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"vs\" rowspan=\"" + match_white_span + "\">VS</td>");
                            else if ((position_in_match_span == match_span) && (effective_row % match_span == 0))
                                HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"team\">Team " + tournament.TournamentRoundMatches[col][effective_match_id].teamid2 + "</td>");
                            if (row == column_stagger_offset + 2)
                                HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"winner\">Team " + tournament.TournamentRoundMatches[rounds][cumulative_matches].winner + "</td>");
                            else if (row == column_stagger_offset + 3)
                                HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"white_span\" rowspan=\"" + (match_white_span - column_stagger_offset) + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
                    if (col <= rounds)
                        cumulative_matches += tournament.TournamentRoundMatches[col].Count;
                HTMLTable.AppendLine("    </tr>");

            HTMLTable.AppendLine("<h1>Third Place Results</h1>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    <tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <th class=\"thd\">Round 1</th>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <th class=\"thd\">Third Place</th>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    <tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"white_span\">&nbsp;</td>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"white_span\" rowspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    <tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"team\">Team " + tournament.ThirdPlaceMatch.teamid1 + "</td>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    <tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"vs\">VS</td>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"winner\">Team " + tournament.ThirdPlaceMatch.winner + "</td>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    <tr>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"team\">Team " + tournament.ThirdPlaceMatch.teamid2 + "</td>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("        <td class=\"white_span\">&nbsp;</td>");
            HTMLTable.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            return HTMLTable.ToString();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Tournament Test3RoundTournament = new Tournament(3);
            Tournament Test2RoundTournament = new Tournament(2);
            File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Tournament\results.html", GenerateHTMLResultsTable(Test2RoundTournament));
            File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Tournament\results.html", GenerateHTMLResultsTable(Test3RoundTournament));


Explanation of Parameters Used to Generate the HTML Table

enter image description here

As you can see, the column_stagger_offset is the amount by which each column is shifted up to align them the way they are supposed to. The effective_row is essentially where the particular table cell would have been had there been no vertical shift. Knowing the effective_row and the position_in_match_span helps determine what needs to be shown in that particuar cell (blank, team1, team2, or vs.).

As you've noticed, I am iterating over the columns one row at a time. That seems most natural considering that HTML tables are also constructed that way, i.e. create row, add cells ... create row, add cels ... and so on.

like image 61
torrential coding Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10

torrential coding