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c# - How can I extract a FAT Disk Image?





I am actually trying to extract a Fat Disk Image with DiskUtils but I am not getting the correct file names...


FatFileSystem FatImg = new FatFileSystem(MS); //MS = Fat Image MemoryStream
foreach(DiscDirectoryInfo Di in FatImg.Root.GetDirectories())
    foreach(DiscFileInfo Fi in Di.GetFiles())
        Stream St = Fi.OpenRead(); // Correct Stream
        string FName = Fi.Name; //Wrong Name

This is because DiscUtils does not support LFN [Long File Names]...

So I am looking for a perfect library to extract these files befor i try to make one myself...

Is there any way I can Extract it [maybe by DiscUtils] without FileName Errors...

like image 347
Writwick Avatar asked May 10 '12 09:05


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1 Answers

Here is some modifications that you can add to DiscUtils to support FAT LFNs:

First, make these changes to the Fat\Directory.cs file, like this (you need to add the _lfns variable, the GetLfnChunk function, and modify the existing LoadEntries function to add the lines marked with //+++ below):

internal Dictionary<string, string> _lfns = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

private static string GetLfnChunk(byte[] buffer)
    // see http://home.teleport.com/~brainy/lfn.htm
    // NOTE: we assume ordinals are ok here.
    char[] chars = new char[13];
    chars[0] = (char)(256 * buffer[2] + buffer[1]);
    chars[1] = (char)(256 * buffer[4] + buffer[3]);
    chars[2] = (char)(256 * buffer[6] + buffer[5]);
    chars[3] = (char)(256 * buffer[8] + buffer[7]);
    chars[4] = (char)(256 * buffer[10] + buffer[9]);

    chars[5] = (char)(256 * buffer[15] + buffer[14]);
    chars[6] = (char)(256 * buffer[17] + buffer[16]);
    chars[7] = (char)(256 * buffer[19] + buffer[18]);
    chars[8] = (char)(256 * buffer[21] + buffer[20]);
    chars[9] = (char)(256 * buffer[23] + buffer[22]);
    chars[10] = (char)(256 * buffer[25] + buffer[24]);

    chars[11] = (char)(256 * buffer[29] + buffer[28]);
    chars[12] = (char)(256 * buffer[31] + buffer[30]);
    string chunk = new string(chars);
    int zero = chunk.IndexOf('\0');
    return zero >= 0 ? chunk.Substring(0, zero) : chunk;

private void LoadEntries()
    _entries = new Dictionary<long, DirectoryEntry>();
    _freeEntries = new List<long>();

    _selfEntryLocation = -1;
    _parentEntryLocation = -1;

    string lfn = null;  //+++
    while (_dirStream.Position < _dirStream.Length)
        long streamPos = _dirStream.Position;
        DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(_fileSystem.FatOptions, _dirStream);

        if (entry.Attributes == (FatAttributes.ReadOnly | FatAttributes.Hidden | FatAttributes.System | FatAttributes.VolumeId))
            // Long File Name entry
            _dirStream.Position = streamPos;  //+++
            lfn = GetLfnChunk(Utilities.ReadFully(_dirStream, 32)) + lfn;  //+++
        else if (entry.Name.IsDeleted())
            // E5 = Free Entry
            lfn = null; //+++
        else if (entry.Name == FileName.SelfEntryName)
            _selfEntry = entry;
            _selfEntryLocation = streamPos;
            lfn = null; //+++
        else if (entry.Name == FileName.ParentEntryName)
            _parentEntry = entry;
            _parentEntryLocation = streamPos;
            lfn = null; //+++
        else if (entry.Name == FileName.Null)
            // Free Entry, no more entries available
            _endOfEntries = streamPos;
            lfn = null; //+++
            if (lfn != null) //+++
            { //+++
                _lfns.Add(entry.Name.GetDisplayName(_fileSystem.FatOptions.FileNameEncoding), lfn); //+++
            } //+++
            _entries.Add(streamPos, entry);
            lfn = null; //+++

Second, add these two public functions to the Fat\FatFileSystem.cs file. They will be the new APIs to query on LFNs:

/// <summary>
/// Gets the long name of a given file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shortFullPath">The short full path to the file. Input path segments must be short names.</param>
/// <returns>The corresponding long file name.</returns>
public string GetLongFileName(string shortFullPath)
    if (shortFullPath == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("shortFullPath");

    string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(shortFullPath);
    string fileName = Path.GetFileName(shortFullPath);
    Directory dir = GetDirectory(dirPath);
    if (dir == null)
        return fileName;

    string lfn;
    if (dir._lfns.TryGetValue(Path.GetFileName(shortFullPath), out lfn))
        return lfn;

    return fileName;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the long path to a given file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shortFullPath">The short full path to the file. Input path segments must be short names.</param>
/// <returns>The corresponding long file path to the file or null if not found.</returns>
public string GetLongFilePath(string shortFullPath)
    if (shortFullPath == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("shortFullPath");

    string path = null;
    string current = null;
    foreach (string segment in shortFullPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
        if (current == null)
            current = segment;
            path = GetLongFileName(current);
            current = Path.Combine(current, segment);
            path = Path.Combine(path, GetLongFileName(current));
    return path;

And that's it. Now, youll be able to dump a whole FAT disk recursively like this, for example:

static void Main(string[] args)
    using (FileStream fs = File.Open("fat.ima", FileMode.Open))
        using (FatFileSystem floppy = new FatFileSystem(fs))

static void Dump(DiscDirectoryInfo di)
    foreach (DiscDirectoryInfo subdi in di.GetDirectories())
    foreach (DiscFileInfo fi in di.GetFiles())
        // get LFN name
        Console.WriteLine(" " + ((FatFileSystem)di.FileSystem).GetLongFileName(fi.FullName));

        // get LFN-ed full path
        Console.WriteLine(" " + ((FatFileSystem)di.FileSystem).GetLongFilePath(fi.FullName));

Use at your own risks! :)

like image 87
Simon Mourier Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Simon Mourier