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C++ "forgetting" that variable is constexpr when used as function argument

I have the following code where I am irritated by the fact that compiler is unable to see that variable passed as argument to a function is constexpr so I must use arity 0 function instead of 1 argument function.

I know this is not a compiler bug, but I wonder if there are idioms that enable to workaround this problem.

#include <array>
#include <iostream>

static constexpr std::array<int, 5> arr{11, 22, 33, 44, 55};

template <typename C, typename P, typename Y>
static constexpr void copy_if(const C& rng, P p, Y yi3ld) {
    for (const auto& elem: rng) {
        if (p(elem)){

// template<std::size_t N>
static constexpr auto get_evens(/* const std::array<int, N>& arr */) {
    constexpr auto is_even = [](const int i) constexpr {return i % 2 == 0;};
    constexpr int cnt = [/* &arr, */&is_even]() constexpr {
        int cnt = 0;
        auto increment = [&cnt] (const auto&){cnt++;};
        copy_if(arr, is_even, increment);
        return cnt;
    std::array<int, cnt> result{};
    int idx = 0;
    copy_if(arr, is_even, [&result, &idx](const auto& val){ result[idx++] = val;});
    return result;

int main() {
    // constexpr std::array<int, 5> arr{11, 22, 33, 44, 55};
    for (const int i:get_evens(/* arr */)) {
        std::cout << i << " " << std::endl;

If it is not obvious what I want: I would like to change get_evens signature so that it is template templated on array size N and that it takes 1 argument of type const std::array<int, N>&.

The error message when I change arr to be an function argument isn't helpful:

prog.cc:25:21: note: initializer of 'cnt' is not a constant expression prog.cc:19:19: note: declared here constexpr int cnt = [&arr, &is_even]()constexpr {

like image 817
NoSenseEtAl Avatar asked Oct 15 '18 07:10


People also ask

Can a function parameter be constexpr?

We allow annotating a function parameter with constexpr with the same meaning as a variable declaration: must be initialized with a constant expression. We add a new keyword, maybe_constexpr , that deduces whether the parameter is known at compile time.

What is a constexpr variable?

The keyword constexpr was introduced in C++11 and improved in C++14. It means constant expression. Like const , it can be applied to variables: A compiler error is raised when any code attempts to modify the value. Unlike const , constexpr can also be applied to functions and class constructors.

Do constexpr variables take memory?

The alternatives don't have the all of the positives of static constexpr - you're guaranteed compile time processing, type safety, and (potentially) lower usage of memory (constexpr variables don't need to take up memory, they are effectively hard coded unless if possible).

When can a function be constexpr?

A constexpr function is one whose return value is computable at compile time when consuming code requires it. Consuming code requires the return value at compile time to initialize a constexpr variable, or to provide a non-type template argument.

1 Answers

A function argument is never a constant expression, even if a function is used in constexpr context:

constexpr int foo(int i)
    // i is not a constexpr
    return i + 1;

constexpr auto i = 1;
constexpr auto j = foo(i);    

To mimic a constexpr argument, use a template parameter:

template<int i>
constexpr int foo()
    // i is constexpr
    return i + 1;

constexpr auto i = 1;
constexpr auto j = foo<i>();

A possible solution is to use std::integer_sequence to encode integers into a type:

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename P, typename Y, int... elements>
constexpr void copy_if_impl(P p, Y yi3ld, std::integer_sequence<int, elements...>) {
    ((p(elements) && (yi3ld(elements), true)), ...);

template<typename arr_t, typename P, typename Y>
constexpr void copy_if(P p, Y yi3ld) {
    copy_if_impl(p, yi3ld, arr_t{});

template<typename arr_t>
constexpr auto get_evens(){
    constexpr auto is_even = [](const int i) constexpr { return i % 2 == 0; };
    constexpr int cnt = [&is_even]() constexpr {
        int cnt = 0;
        auto increment = [&cnt](const auto&) { cnt++; };
        copy_if<arr_t>(is_even, increment);
        return cnt;

    std::array<int, cnt> result{};
    int idx = 0;
    copy_if<arr_t>(is_even, [&result, &idx](const auto& val) {
        result[idx++] = val; });
    return result;

int main()
    using arr = std::integer_sequence<int, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55>;
    for (const int i : get_evens<arr>()) {
        std::cout << i << " " << std::endl;

Addition suggested by Constantinos Glynos.

From Effective Modern C++ book by Scott Meyers, item 15, p.98:

  • constexpr functions can be used in contexts that demand compile-time constants. If the values of the arguments you pass to a constexpr function in such a context are known during compilation, the result will be computed during compilation. If any of the arguments’ values is not known during compilation, your code will be rejected.
  • When a constexpr function is called with one or more values that are not known during compilation, it acts like a normal function, computing its result at runtime. This means you don’t need two functions to perform the same operation, one for compile-time constants and one for all other values. The constexpr function does it all.
like image 83
Evg Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
