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C# Exception Handling Fall Through [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Catch multiple Exceptions at once?

Is there any way in C# to easily achieve the following pseduo-code:

catch ( ExceptionTypeA, ExceptionTypeB, ExceptionTypeC as ex)
... same code for all threw


catch ( ExceptionTypeA ex )
catch ( ExceptionTypeB ex )
catch ( ExceptionTypeC ex )
... same code for all exceptions of A, B or C

I guess what I'm saying would be great would be fall-through on exception types.

like image 705
Keith Adler Avatar asked Nov 18 '09 21:11

Keith Adler

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5 Answers

The problem with the syntax as mentioned (with an ex) is: what properties/members should ex have? Different exception types are not necessarily compatible, unless there is inheritance involved (in which case, catch the least-derived that you care about).

The only current option is to just use Exception ex (or similar) and check (is/as) inside the handler.

Or; refactor the common code into a method that can be used by all three?

like image 84
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Marc Gravell

In short, no. I can think of two three alternatives:

Catch each exception, and call a common method:

   // throw
catch ( ExceptionTypeA ex )
catch ( ExceptionTypeB ex )
catch ( ExceptionTypeC ex )

void HandleException()

Or catch everything, and use an if statement on the type:

   // throw
catch (Exception ex)
   if (ex is ArgumentException || ex is NullReferenceException || ex is FooException)
      // Handle

EDIT: OR, you could do something like this:

List<Type> exceptionsToHandle = new List<Type>{ typeof(ArgumentException), typeof(NullReferenceException), typeof(FooException) };

   // throw
catch (Exception ex)
   if (exceptionsToHandle.Contains(ex.GetType()))
      // Handle
like image 39
Philip Wallace Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Philip Wallace

You can catch a general exception and then examine the type, e.g.:

catch (Exception ex)            
      if (ex is ExceptionTypeA ||
          ex is ExceptionTypeB )
               /* your code here */

Edit: in line with other answers I'd be looking to clarify what's going on by pulling out a method - but rather than individual catches and a common method, I'd probably introduce a method to clarify what the contents of the if statement is doing. So instead of

if (ex is ExceptionTypeA || ex is ExceptionTypeB )

it'd become something like:

if (IsRecoverableByDoingWhatever(ex))

which I think would clarify the intent more than pulling out the handler code (although that might be useful to do too).

like image 39
FinnNk Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10


Wrap the repetitive code in a method.

catch ( ExceptionTypeA ex )
catch ( ExceptionTypeB ex )
catch ( ExceptionTypeC ex )
catch ( Exception ex )
like image 34
Clark Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


If you need to use some variables from the scope of try, use a nested function. That is, a lambda or an anonymous delegate:

int x = ...;
Action<Exception> handler = delegate(Exception ex)
    // Same code for all exceptions of A, B or C.
    // You can use variable x here too.

catch (ExceptionTypeA ex) { handler(ex); }
catch (ExceptionTypeB ex) { handler(ex); }
catch (ExceptionTypeC ex) { handler(ex); }
like image 38
Pavel Minaev Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Pavel Minaev