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C++ [Error] no matching function for call to




I can't compile my code because of some errors.

Here some of them :

In function 'int main(int, char**)':

[Error] no matching function for call to 'deckOfCards::shuffle(deckOfCards&)'

[Note] candidate is:

In file included from main.cpp

[Note] void deckOfCards::shuffle(std::vector<Card>&)

[Note] no known conversion for argument 1 from 'deckOfCards' to 'std::vector<Card>&'

[Error] 'dealCard' was not declared in this scope

#include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Card
            int m_suit;
            int m_face;
            Card(int face, int suit);
            static string suits[];
            static string faces[];
            string toString(string s_face, string s_suit);
            int getFace();
            void setFace(int face);
            int getSuit();
            void setSuit(int suit);

    Card::Card(int face, int suit)
        m_face = face;
        m_suit = suit;

    string Card::suits[] = {"Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades"};
    string Card::faces[] = {"Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four", "Five", 
    "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King"};

    int Card::getFace(){return m_face;}
    void Card::setFace(int face){m_face = face;}
    int Card::getSuit(){return m_suit;}
    void Card::setSuit(int suit){m_suit = suit;}

    string Card::toString(string s_face, string s_suit)
        string card = s_face + " of " + s_suit;
        return card;

    #include <iostream>     // cout
#include <algorithm>    // random_shuffle
#include <vector>       // vector
#include <ctime>        // time
#include <cstdlib> 
#include "Card.h"

using namespace std;

class deckOfCards
        vector<Card> deck;

        static int count;
        static int next;
        void shuffle(vector<Card>& deck);
        Card dealCard();
        bool moreCards();

int deckOfCards::count = 0;
int deckOfCards::next = 0;

    const int FACES = 12;
    const int SUITS = 4;
    int currentCard = 0;
    for (int face = 0; face < FACES; face++)
            for (int suit = 0; suit < SUITS; suit++)
                    Card card = Card(face,suit); //card created and initialized


void deckOfCards::shuffle(vector<Card>& deck)
    random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end());
    /*vector<Card>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = deck.begin(); iter!=deck.end(); iter++)
        Card currentCard = *iter;
        random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end());
        Card randomCard = deck[num];
        //change values.....

Card deckOfCards::dealCard()
    Card nextCard = deck[next];
    return nextCard;

bool deckOfCards::moreCards()
    if (count < 52)
        return true;
        return false;

    #include <iostream>
#include "deckOfCards.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    deckOfCards cardDeck; // create DeckOfCards object
    cardDeck.shuffle(cardDeck); // shuffle the cards in the deck
    while (cardDeck.moreCards() == true)
            cout << dealCard(cardDeck);// deal the cards in the deck
    return 0;
like image 358
Beginner Avatar asked Nov 11 '13 17:11


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2 Answers

You are trying to call DeckOfCards::shuffle with a deckOfCards parameter:

deckOfCards cardDeck; // create DeckOfCards object
cardDeck.shuffle(cardDeck); // shuffle the cards in the deck

But the method takes a vector<Card>&:

void deckOfCards::shuffle(vector<Card>& deck)

The compiler error messages are quite clear on this. I'll paraphrase the compiler as it talks to you.


[Error] no matching function for call to 'deckOfCards::shuffle(deckOfCards&)'


Hey, pal. You're trying to call a function called shuffle which apparently takes a single parameter of type reference-to-deckOfCards, but there is no such function.


[Note] candidate is:

In file included from main.cpp

[Note] void deckOfCards::shuffle(std::vector&)


I mean, maybe you meant this other function called shuffle, but that one takes a reference-tovector<something>.


[Note] no known conversion for argument 1 from 'deckOfCards' to 'std::vector&'

Which I'd be happy to call if I knew how to convert from a deckOfCards to a vector; but I don't. So I won't.

like image 170
John Dibling Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

John Dibling

to add to John's answer:

what you want to pass to the shuffle function is a deck of cards from the class deckOfCards that you've declared in main; however, the deck of cards or vector<Card> deck that you've declared in your class is private, so not accessible from outside the class. this means you'd want a getter function, something like this:

class deckOfCards
        vector<Card> deck;

        static int count;
        static int next;
        void shuffle(vector<Card>& deck);
        Card dealCard();
        bool moreCards();
        vector<Card>& getDeck() {   //GETTER
            return deck;

this will in turn allow you to call your shuffle function from main like this:

deckOfCards cardDeck; // create DeckOfCards object
cardDeck.shuffle(cardDeck.getDeck()); // shuffle the cards in the deck

however, you have more problems, specifically when calling cout. first, you're calling the dealCard function wrongly; as dealCard is a memeber function of a class, you should be calling it like this cardDeck.dealCard(); instead of this dealCard(cardDeck);.

now, we come to your second problem - print to standard output. you're trying to print your deal card, which is an object of type Card by using the following instruction:

cout << cardDeck.dealCard();// deal the cards in the deck

yet, the cout doesn't know how to print it, as it's not a standard type. this means you should overload your << operator to print whatever you want it to print when calling with a Card type.

like image 41
stellarossa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
