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What does a leading :: mean in "using namespace ::X" in C++

can somebody explain me the difference between the following namespace usages:

using namespace ::layer::module;


using namespace layer::module;

What causes the additional :: before layer?

like image 548
Dudero Avatar asked Jul 22 '11 12:07


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2 Answers

There would be a difference if it was used in a context such as:

namespace layer {
    namespace module {
        int x;

namespace nest {
    namespace layer {
        namespace module {
            int x;
    using namespace /*::*/layer::module;

With the initial :: the first x would be visible after the using directive, without it the second x inside nest::layer::module would be made visible.

like image 187
CB Bailey Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09

CB Bailey

A leading :: refers to the global namespace. Any qualified identifier starting with a :: will always refer to some identifier in the global namespace. The difference is when you have the same stuff in the global as well as in some local namespace:

namespace layer { namespace module {
    void f();
} }

namespace blah { 
  namespace layer { namespace module {
      void f();
  } }

  using namespace layer::module // note: no leading ::
                                // refers to local namespace layer
  void g() {
    f(); // calls blah::layer::module::f();

namespace blubb {
  namespace layer { namespace module {
      void f();
  } }

  using namespace ::layer::module // note: leading ::
                                  // refers to global namespace layer
  void g() {
    f(); // calls ::layer::module::f();
like image 24
sbi Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09
