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C++ discourages base class of collection - is there anyway to fake it?

There are no similar concept of (Java) Collection in C++.

I can understand the reason, but I want to know whether there is any way to fake it elegantly.


I have implemented many custom Collections.
They all have Iterator that works correctly, similar to std::vector, std::unordered_set, etc.

They are MyArray<T> , MyBinaryTree<T> and MySet<T>.

Here I will show a working code that show the location I want to fake it.

Let's say that I have 2 levels of program : library and user.
It does only one thing - User commands Library to eat all Orange*s in a bucket.


class Library{
    public: static void eatAll(const MyArray<Orange*>& bucket);


#include "Orange.h"
void Library::eatAll(const MyArray<Orange*>& bucket){
    for(auto orange:bucket){


MyArray<Orange*> bucket;

It is OK.

Now, I want Library::eatAll to also support MyBinaryTree<Orange*>, I have some not-so-desirable approaches as below.

My poor solution

1. Java way

  • Make MyBinaryTree<T> and MyArray<Orange*> (and their iterator) inherit from a new class Collection<T> (and CollectionIterator<T>).
  • change signature to Library::eatAll(const Collection<T>&)

Disadvantage : performance penalty from "virtual" of some functions in Collection<T>.

2. Template v1

template<class T> void eatAll(const T&t ){
    for(auto orange : t){
  • make eatAll a template function

Disadvantage : The implementation of the eatAll must be in header.
I have to #include orange.h in Library.h.
Sometimes, I really want to just forward declaration.

3. Template v2

template<class T> void eatAll(const T&t ){
    for(auto orange : t){
private: void eatAnOrange(Orange* orange){
    //below implementation is inside Library.cpp
  • create a middle-man function eatAnOrange

Disadvantage :

  • Code is less readable, not concise, cause a little maintainability problem.
  • If there are a lot of other functions e.g. squeezeAll(), I probably have to create a lot of middle-man functions, e.g. squeezeAnOrange().

4. Operator=()

Create converter among the 3 collection classes via implicit constructor.
Disadvantage : Suffer performance from creating a new instance of collection.

//Here is what it will do, internally (roughly speaking)
MyBinaryTree<Orange*> bucket;

I believe my solutions are inelegant.
Are there any solutions that don't suffer the mentioned disadvantage?

Both of current answers are elegant than my approaches (thank!), but still has disadvantage :-
- Oliv's requires #include "orange.h" in User.h.
- Richard Hodges's has virtual function calling.

like image 817
javaLover Avatar asked Mar 09 '17 07:03


2 Answers

In C++, collections are traversed using the iterator design pattern. The entire STL is designed around this concept. It may fit your needs:

You could define eatAll as a function that accept two iterators:

template<class Iterator,class Sentinel>
void eatAll(Iterator it, Sentinel s){
    for (;it!=s;++it)

Or the range like algorithm interface:

template<class Range>
void eatAll(Range& r){
    for (auto& v:r)

You will have to define you binary tree as a range (it must implement begin() and end()). Hopefully trees are kind of graph that can be linearised. All the smart work will then go in the iterator implementation!

like image 55
Oliv Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11


If you want it truly polymorphic, then we have to deal with 2 things:

  1. the actual type of the container

  2. The fact that the result of dereferencing a map is a pair containing key and value references.

My view is that the answer to this is not to derive from containers, which is limiting, but to create a polymorphic "value iterator", which models all iterators and extracts their values correctly.

Then we can write code like this:

int main()

    std::vector<Orange> vo {
            Orange(), Orange()

    std::map<int, Orange> mio {
            { 1, Orange() },
            { 2, Orange() },
            { 3, Orange() }

    std::cout << "vector:\n";
    auto first = makePolymorphicValueIterator(vo.begin());
    auto last = makePolymorphicValueIterator(vo.end());
    do_orange_things(first, last);

    std::cout << "\nmap:\n";
    first = makePolymorphicValueIterator(mio.begin());
    last = makePolymorphicValueIterator(mio.end());
    do_orange_things(first, last);

To get this:



Here's a minimal, complete implementation:

#include <typeinfo>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>

// define an orange
struct Orange {

// a meta-function to get the type of the value of some iterated value_type    
template<class ValueType> struct type_of_value
    using type = ValueType;

// specialise it for maps and unordered maps
template<class K, class V> struct type_of_value<std::pair<K, V>>
    using type = V;

template<class ValueType> using type_of_value_t = typename type_of_value<ValueType>::type;

// function to extract a value from an instance of a value_type    
template<class ValueType> struct value_extractor
    template<class V>
    auto& operator()(V&& v) const {
        return v;

// specialised for maps    
template<class K, class V> struct value_extractor<std::pair<K, V>>
    template<class Arg>
    auto& operator()(Arg&& v) const {
        return std::get<1>(v);

template<class Iter>
auto extract_value(Iter const& iter) ->  auto&
    using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type;
    auto e = value_extractor<value_type> {};
    return e(*iter);

// a polymorphic (forward only at the moment) iterator
// which delivers the value (in the case of maps) or the element (every other container)
template<class ValueType>
struct PolymorphicValueIterator {

    using value_type = type_of_value_t<ValueType>;

    struct iterator_details {
        std::type_info const &type;
        void *address;

    struct concept {

        virtual std::unique_ptr<concept> clone() const = 0;

        virtual value_type& invoke_deref() const = 0;

        virtual void invoke_next(std::size_t distance = 1) = 0;

        virtual iterator_details get_details() = 0;

        virtual bool is_equal(const iterator_details &other) const = 0;

        virtual ~concept() = default;


    template<class Iter>
    struct model final : concept {

        model(Iter iter)
                : iter_(iter)

        std::unique_ptr<concept> clone() const override
            return std::make_unique<model>(iter_);

        virtual value_type& invoke_deref() const override {
            return extract_value(iter_);

        void invoke_next(std::size_t distance = 1) override
            iter_ = std::next(iter_, distance);

        iterator_details get_details() override {
            return {

        bool is_equal(const iterator_details &other) const override {
            if (typeid(Iter) != other.type) {
                return false;
            auto pother = reinterpret_cast<Iter const*>(other.address);
            Iter const& iother = *pother;
            return iter_ == iother;

        Iter iter_;

    std::unique_ptr<concept> concept_ptr_;

    bool operator==(PolymorphicValueIterator const &r) const {
        return concept_ptr_->is_equal(r.concept_ptr_->get_details());

    bool operator!=(PolymorphicValueIterator const &r) const {
        return not concept_ptr_->is_equal(r.concept_ptr_->get_details());

    PolymorphicValueIterator &operator++() {
        return *this;

    value_type& operator*() const {
        return concept_ptr_->invoke_deref();

    template<class Iter>
    PolymorphicValueIterator(Iter iter)
        concept_ptr_ = std::make_unique<model<Iter>>(iter);

    PolymorphicValueIterator(PolymorphicValueIterator const& r)
            : concept_ptr_(r.concept_ptr_->clone())

    PolymorphicValueIterator& operator=(PolymorphicValueIterator const& r)
        concept_ptr_ = r.concept_ptr_->clone();
        return *this;


template<class Iter>
auto makePolymorphicValueIterator(Iter iter)
    using iter_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type;
    using value_type = type_of_value_t<iter_value_type>;
    return PolymorphicValueIterator<value_type>(iter);

// a test
void do_orange_things(PolymorphicValueIterator<Orange> first, PolymorphicValueIterator<Orange> last)
    while(first != last) {
        std::cout << "Orange\n";

int main()

    std::vector<Orange> vo {
            Orange(), Orange()

    std::map<int, Orange> mio {
            { 1, Orange() },
            { 2, Orange() },
            { 3, Orange() }

    std::cout << "vector:\n";
    auto first = makePolymorphicValueIterator(vo.begin());
    auto last = makePolymorphicValueIterator(vo.end());
    do_orange_things(first, last);

    std::cout << "\nmap:\n";
    first = makePolymorphicValueIterator(mio.begin());
    last = makePolymorphicValueIterator(mio.end());
    do_orange_things(first, last);
like image 22
Richard Hodges Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Richard Hodges