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C# Convert decimal to string with specify format

I need to convert decimal number a to string b folowing:

  • b must be haven '.' character. Eg:
    • a = 12 -> b = "12.0"
    • a = 1.2 -> b = "1.2"
    • a = 1.234 -> b = "1.234"

How can I do that with 1 command?

  • b must be haven exactly 10 character. Eg:
    • a = 101 -> b = "101.000000"
    • a = 1.234 -> b = "1.23400000"
    • a = 1.234567891 -> b = "1.23456789"

(Same question with 1)

like image 652
TamHoang Avatar asked Aug 12 '16 06:08


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2 Answers

decimal a = 12;
var b = a.ToString("N1"); // 12.0

a = 1.2m;
b = a.ToString(); // 1.2

a = 101m;
b = a.ToString("N10"); // 101.0000000000

a = 1.234m;
b = a.ToString("N10"); // 1.2340000000

For the second part of your question - where you want a total length of 10 then:

decimal a = 1.234567891m;
int numberOfDigits = ((int)a).ToString().Length;
var b = a.ToString($"N{9 - numberOfDigits}"); //1.23456789

//Or before C# 6.0
var b = a.ToString("N" + (9 - numberOfDigits)); //1.23456789

Basically ((int)number).ToString().Length gives you the amount of digits before the . (converting to int will remove the fractions) and then reducing that from the number of digits after the . (and also -1 for the decimal point itself)

like image 114
Gilad Green Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Gilad Green

You can use .ToString() to do this task:

decimal aDecimalVal = 10.234m;
string decimalString = aDecimalVal.ToString("#.000"); // "10.234"
aDecimalVal.ToString("#.00"); // "10.23"
aDecimalVal.ToString("#.0000"); // "10.2340"

The number of 0 after the . in the format string will decide the number of places in the decimal string.

Updates: So you want to find the number of digits after the decimal points, So the changes in the code will be like the following:

decimal aDecimalVal = 10.2343455m;
int count = BitConverter.GetBytes(decimal.GetBits(aDecimalVal)[3])[2];
string formatString = String.Format("N{0}",count.ToString());
string decimalString = aDecimalVal.ToString(formatString); // "10.2343455"
like image 36
sujith karivelil Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 22:09

sujith karivelil