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C++ catch exception in a loop and rethrow _after_ the loop finishes?

The goal is to fully process a loop and throw any exception that may have occurred afterwards:

for (...) {
   try {
      // code that could throw
   } catch (const ExceptionObj &ex) {
      // save ex and rethrow after the loop

What would be the best practice for doing this? Saving any of the exceptions is ok in my particular case.

A couple of ideas that I have:

  1. Copy ex to an ExceptionObj value. Problem: doesn't scale well at all when ex has subclasses or more exceptions need to be handled.

  2. Have a clone method in ExceptionObj that returns a copy on the heap. Problem: doesn't work for third party exceptions.

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misev Avatar asked Dec 09 '18 11:12


1 Answers

Handling a thrown exception object in such a type-erased way is what std::exception_ptr exists for:

std::exception_ptr ex;
for (...) {
   try {
      // code that could throw
   } catch (...) {
      ex = std::current_exception();
if(ex) // Only evaluates to true if a thrown exception was assigned to it.

All the lifetime concerns related to the dynamic type of the exception object are handled by the standard library. You can think of ex as a reference counted handle to the exception object, allowing you to hoist it out of the try-catch block.

This follows the approach you laid out in your post and then confirmed in a comment, that the last exception thrown is the one that gets re-thrown.

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StoryTeller - Unslander Monica Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

StoryTeller - Unslander Monica