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C++ and iterator invalidation




So I'm going through Accelerated C++ and am somewhat unsure about iterator invalidation in C++. Maybe it's the fact that it is never explained how these iterators are constructed is the problem.

Here is one example:

Vector with {1,2,3}

If my iterator is on {2} and I call an erase on {2} my iterator is invalid. Why? In my head, {3} is shifted down so the memory location of where {2} was so the iterator is still pointing to a valid element. The only way I would see this as being not true is if iterators were made before hand for each element and each iterator had some type of field containing the address of the following element in that container.

My other question has to do with the statement such as "invalidates all other iterators". Erm, when I loop through my vector container, I am using one iterator. Do all those elements in the vector implicitly have their own iterator associated with them or am I missing something?

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Ilya Avatar asked Nov 17 '10 16:11


People also ask

Why are iterators invalidated?

All iterators and the references are invalidated if the inserted item is not inserted at the end of the deque. If the items are deleted from any of the position except the end position, then all iterators will be invalidated. Same as like insert or erase.

How can we avoid iterator invalidation?

You could avoid moving elements of the container by maintaining a free-list (see http://www.memorymanagement.org/glossary/f.html#free.list). To avoid invalidation of references to elements you can use a std::deque if you do not insert or erase in the middle. To avoid invalidation of iterators you can use a std::list.

Does swap invalidate iterators?

The swap functions do not invalidate any of the iterators inside the container, but they do invalidate the iterator marking the end of the swap region.

Does std :: move invalidate iterators?

No, they should not get invalidated after a move operation.

1 Answers

In my head, {3} is shifted down so the memory location of where {2} was so the iterator is still pointing to a valid element.

That may be the case. But it’s equally valid that the whole vector is relocated in memory, thus making all iterators point to now-defunct memory locations. C++ simply makes no guarantees either way. (See comments for discussion.)

Do all those elements in the vector implicitly have their own iterator associated with them or am I missing something?

You’re merely missing the fact that you may have other iterators referencing the same vector besides your loop variable. For example, the following loop is an idiomatic style that caches the end iterator of the vector to avoid redundant calls:

vector<int> vec;
// …

for (vector<int>::iterator i(vec.begin()), end(vec.end()); i != end; ++i) {
    if (some_condition)
        vec.erase(i); // invalidates `i` and `end`.

(Nevermind the fact that this copy of the end iterator is in fact unnecessary with the STL on modern compilers.)

like image 156
Konrad Rudolph Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10

Konrad Rudolph