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C++ abstract base class constructors/destructors - general correctness

I would like to have a C++ Interface that must be overridden (if this is possible) when inherited. So far, I have the following:

class ICommand{

    //  Virtual constructor. Needs to take a name as parameter
    //virtual ICommand(char*) =0;
    //  Virtual destructor, prevents memory leaks by forcing clean up on derived classes?
    //virtual ~ICommand() =0; 
    virtual void CallMe() =0;
    virtual void CallMe2() =0;

class MyCommand : public ICommand
    // Is this correct?
    MyCommand(char* Name) { /* do stuff */ }
    virtual void CallMe() {}
    virtual void CallMe2() {}

I have purposely left how I think the constructor/destructor's should be implemented in ICommand. I know if I remove the comments, it will not compile. Please could someone:

  1. Show me how to declare the constructor/destructor's in ICommand and how they are meant to be used in MyCommand
  2. Have I set things up correctly in ICommand so that MyCommand must override CallMe and CallMe2.
like image 217
Stuart Blackler Avatar asked Dec 14 '11 23:12

Stuart Blackler

People also ask

Can an abstract base class have a destructor?

You can create an abstract base class with only a virtual destructor.

What are constructors and destructors in C?

Constructors are special class functions which performs initialization of every object. The Compiler calls the Constructor whenever an object is created. Constructors initialize values to object members after storage is allocated to the object. Whereas, Destructor on the other hand is used to destroy the class object.

Which is the correct execution order for class destructors?

The body of an object's destructor is executed, followed by the destructors of the object's data members (in reverse order of their appearance in the class definition), followed by the destructors of the object's base classes (in reverse order of their appearance in the class definition).

Do abstract classes have constructors C++?

A class with one (or more) virtual pure functions is abstract, and it can't be used to create a new object, so it doesn't have a constructor.

2 Answers

C++ does not allow for virtual constructors. A simple implementation (without the virtual constructor) would look something like this:

class ICommand {
    virtual ~ICommand() = 0;
    virtual void callMe() = 0;
    virtual void callMe2() = 0;

ICommand::~ICommand() { } // all destructors must exist

Note that even a pure virtual destructor must be defined.

A concrete implementation would look exactly like your example:

class MyCommand : public ICommand {
    virtual void callMe() { }
    virtual void callMe2() { }

You have a couple of options for the constructor. One option is to disable the default constructor for ICommand, so that subclasses will have to implement a constructor that calls your ICommand constructor:

#include <string>

class ICommand {
    const std::string name;
    ICommand(const std::string& name) : name(name) { }
    virtual ~ICommand() = 0;
    virtual void callMe() = 0;
    virtual void callMe2() = 0;

ICommand::~ICommand() { } // all destructors must exist

A concrete implementation would now look something like this:

class MyCommand : public ICommand {
    MyCommand(const std::string& name) : ICommand(name) { }
    virtual void callMe() { }
    virtual void callMe2() { }
like image 107
e.James Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11


I know this one is old, but it is still my first hit on this issue. This is how I would do it.

Interface header foo.h:

#pragma once
#include <memory>

enum class Implementations {Simple, Fancy};

class Foo
    using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<Foo>;
    virtual ~Foo() = default;
    virtual void do_it() = 0;

Foo::Ptr create_foo(Implementations impl); // factory

Yes I know that "pragma once" is strictly speaking not standard, but it works for me.

Note that nothing is implemented here. There is no constructor: an abstract class can not be instantiated. You get a pointer to the interface through the factory. For the virtual function calls to work, they must be called through a pointer. The virtual destructor is defaulted because it doesn't have to do anything special except polymorphing to the implementation. The factory is a free function. No need to try to make it a static member or something like that. This is not java.

Interface foo.cpp:

#include "foo.h"
#include "foo_impl.h"

Foo::Ptr create_foo(Implementations impl)
    switch (impl)
    case Implementations::Simple:
        return std::make_unique<Simple_foo>();
    case Implementations::Fancy:
        return std::make_unique<Fancy_foo>();
        return nullptr;

Here the factory is implemented. Notice that the factory has to know the implementation(s). That is why we don't implement it inline: if it was inline, the interface header would have to include the implementation header, and through it, knowledge of the implementation would "leak out" to the callsite.

The implementation header foo_impl.h:

#pragma once
#include "foo.h"

class Simple_foo : public Foo
    void do_it() override;

class Fancy_foo : public Foo
    void do_it() override;

Nothing special, just override the virtual functions of the interface. Because this exaple is simple, I put both implementations in the same files. In real applications that will be different.

The implementation foo_impl.cpp:

#include "foo_impl.h"
#include <iostream>

void Simple_foo::do_it()
    std::cout << "simple foo\n";

void Fancy_foo::do_it()
    std::cout << "fancy foo\n";

Just implement the functions.

The main.cpp:

#include "foo.h"

int main()
    auto sf = create_foo(Implementations::Simple);
    auto ff = create_foo(Implementations::Fancy);
    return 0;

Through the enum we can select the implementation we want. The pointers are of type Foo::Ptr, an alias for std::unique_ptr<Foo>. The callsite has no knowledge of the implementation at all, only the interface.

The output will be as expected:

simple foo
fancy foo
like image 36
Theo Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11
