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Bulk insert rowterminator issue

I have this csv named test.csv with the content below

1,"test user",,,4075619900,[email protected],"Aldelo for Restaurants","this is my deal",,"location4"
2,"joe johnson",,"32 bit",445555519,[email protected],"Restaurant Pro Express","smoe one is watching u",,"some location"

Here is my SQL FILE to do the BULK insert

USE somedb

(id INT,
name VARCHAR(255),
department VARCHAR(255),
architecture VARCHAR(255),
phone VARCHAR(255),
email VARCHAR(255),
download VARCHAR(255),
comments TEXT,
company VARCHAR(255),
location VARCHAR(255))

FROM 'c:\test\test.csv'
ROWTERMINATOR = '''+CHAR(124)+''+CHAR(10)+'''
--Check the content of the table.

but whats happening is its only inserting one record and all the info from the second record is getting inserted in the location field on the first record

  1,"test user",NULL,NULL,4075619900,[email protected],"Aldelo for Restaurants","this is my deal",NULL,"""location4""2,""joe johnson"",,""32 bit"",445555519,[email protected],""Restaurant Pro Express"",""smoe one is watching u"",,""some location"""

I assume the problem is the ROWTERMINATOR but i tried all these


and all the same results ...any ideas on how to FIX this

I am creating the csv like this via PHP

like image 261
Matt Elhotiby Avatar asked Sep 13 '11 14:09

Matt Elhotiby

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What does rowterminator mean?

Specifies the field terminator to be used for character and Unicode character data files. The default is t (tab character). ROWTERMINATOR ='row_terminator'. Specifies the row terminator to be used for character and Unicode character data files.

2 Answers

I think problem is that your csv file uses \n as EOL (unix way). BULK INSERT in SQL Server is "smart" and even if you specify ROWTERMINATOR as \n, which in theory should resolve your problem, it prepends it with \r so you end up with \r\n as row terminator.

Try using ROWTERMINATOR='0x0A'. In this case SQL Server doesn't perform any magic tricks and just uses the value you've set as row terminator.
Works for me. :)

like image 184
Przemek Ptasznik Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09

Przemek Ptasznik

CHAR(124) is | and CHAR(10) is \n

You probably need CHAR(13) and CHAR(10) as Row Terminator


like image 39
Icarus Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
