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Why we use Illuminate in Laravel? What is the usage of it? [closed]




I am new in laravel. Everytime I am writing code in different classes of laravel I can see there is a keyword Illuminate. I cannot understand what is the use of it.

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Md. Sakhawath Hossain Avatar asked Dec 11 '20 06:12

Md. Sakhawath Hossain

People also ask

Why We Use illuminate in Laravel?

Illuminate is the namespace Laravel choose to put their code in. The word Illuminate means to light-up something. By using Laravel you are illuminating PHP development experience in their terms, hence the name. That's it; just a namespace.

Is illuminate part of Laravel?

Illuminate is Laravel's database engine minus Laravel. It comes bundled with the Eloquent ORM in Laravel. If you would like to build your PHP apps with ORMs and prefer not to use Laravel, this tutorial is for you.

Where is illuminate in Laravel?

Illuminate is located in /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate .

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1 Answers

Illuminate is the namespace laravel choose to put their code in. The word Illuminate means to light-up something. By using laravel you are illuminating PHP developement experience in their terms, hence the name.

Thats it; just a namespace.

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Mohamed Mufeed Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10

Mohamed Mufeed