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Building audio processing Little Endian SDK with NDK

I am trying to use ndk-build to use native code for audio processing from Little Endian in an Android application (I don't have JNI yet).

When I executed ndk-build in jni dir I got ($USER_PATH is path to directory on my computer):

Android NDK: WARNING: Rebuilding libc++ libraries from sources!     Android NDK: You might want to use $NDK/build/tools/build-cxx-stl.sh --stl=libc++     Android NDK: in order to build prebuilt versions to speed up your builds!     Android NDK: ERROR:$USER_PATH/android-ndk-r10/sources/android/compiler-rt/Android.mk:compiler_rt_shared: LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file     Android NDK: $USER_PATH/Android/android-ndk-r10/sources/android/compiler-rt/libs/armeabi/libcompiler_rt_shared.so exists  or that its path is correct    $USER_PATH/android-ndk-r10/build/core/prebuilt-library.mk:45: *** Android NDK: Aborting    .  Stop. 

I saw that is because of PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY which points to missing files.

How can I solve this?

Directory structure: enter image description here

There are .mk files:


MY_LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)  ifndef LE_SDK_PATH     LE_SDK_PATH := $(call my-dir) endif  include $(MY_LOCAL_PATH)/le_audioio.mk include $(MY_LOCAL_PATH)/le_utility.mk  LOCAL_PATH := ${MY_LOCAL_PATH} include $(CLEAR_VARS)  LOCAL_MODULE           := little-endian LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := le_audioio le_utility  include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) 


APP_PLATFORM := android-14 APP_STL      := c++_static APP_ABI      := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 APP_OPTIM    := release APP_CFLAGS   += -g  NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION := clang 


ifndef LE_SDK_PATH     LE_SDK_PATH := $(call my-dir) endif  LOCAL_PATH:= $(LE_SDK_PATH)  include $(CLEAR_VARS)  LOCAL_MODULE            := le_audioio LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(abspath $(LE_SDK_PATH)/include) LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS     += -lOpenSLES ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),x86)     LOCAL_SRC_FILES     := libs/development/libAudioIO_Android_x86-32_SSSE3.a else     ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),armeabi-v7a)         LOCAL_ARM_NEON  := true         LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libs/development/libAudioIO_Android_ARMv7a_NEON.a     else         LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libs/release/libAudioIO_Android_ARMv6_VFP2.a     endif endif  include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY) 


ifndef LE_SDK_PATH     LE_SDK_PATH := $(call my-dir) endif  LOCAL_PATH:= $(LE_SDK_PATH)  include $(CLEAR_VARS)  LOCAL_MODULE            := le_utility LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(abspath $(LE_SDK_PATH)/include) LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS     += -landroid -llog ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),x86)     LOCAL_SRC_FILES     := libs/development/libUtility_Android_x86-32_SSSE3.a else     ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),armeabi-v7a)         LOCAL_ARM_NEON  := true         LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libs/development/libUtility_Android_ARMv7a_NEON.a     else         LOCAL_SRC_FILES     := libs/release/libUtility_Android_ARMv6_VFP2.a         LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS += -latomic     endif endif  include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY) 
like image 215
piobab Avatar asked Aug 21 '14 09:08


People also ask

How to run ndk-build script on Android?

There is more specific documentation for the Android.mk and Application.mk configuration used by ndk-build. Running the ndk-build script is equivalent to running the following command: $GNUMAKE points to GNU Make 3.81 or later, and <ndk> points to your NDK installation directory.

What do I need to use ndk-build?

You need GNU Make 4 to use ndk-build or the NDK in general. The NDK includes its own copy of GNU Make and will use that unless you've set the $GNUMAKE environment variable to point to an unsuitable make. In NDK r18 and newer, ndk-build can generate a JSON compilation database.

How to rebuild NDK_app_application_Mk?

ndk-build NDK_APP_APPLICATION_MK=<file> --> rebuild, using a specific Application.mk pointed to by the NDK_APP_APPLICATION_MK command-line variable. which suggests that it is still looking for the original Application.mk file.

What libraries are available for writing high-performance audio applications on Android?

The rest of the section describes the two libraries that are available for writing high-performance audio applications: OpenSL ES is an Android-specific implementation of the OpenSL ES™ API specification from the Khronos Group. OpenSL ES is not recommended for new designs.

1 Answers

Try this a new solution by Google for audio application.

like image 89
Ankit Gupta Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Ankit Gupta