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Building an Exception in C#



I have inherited a code-base which uses a compiled logging library. I cannot update the logging library. This library has method that logs details for an Exception. The method takes a single Exception as a parameter. I'm now building a mobile application that will tie into this system.

In this mobile application, I have a block of code that handles uncaught exceptions. I need to log those in the server. But now, I can only pass the details across the network in string format. Because of this, I have a service that accepts an error message, stack trace, and miscellaneous as strings. I need to take these strings and convert them into an Exception so I can pass them to my pre-existing library.

How can I take a message and a stackTrace as strings and bundle them into an Exception? The challenge here is Message and StackTrace are read-only.

Thank you!

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user564042 Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 05:02


1 Answers

StackTrace is virtual so you can define your own Exception like so:

public class MyException : Exception {
    private readonly string stackTrace;
    public override string StackTrace { get { return this.stackTrace; } }
    public MyException(string message, string stackTrace) : base(message) {
        this.stackTrace = stackTrace;

and then pass instances of MyException to your logging code. This gives you complete control over the value of Message and StackTrace.

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jason Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 08:03
