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check if network drive exists with timeout in c#

i created a windows service that move files around between the server's hard drive (where the service is installed) to the network drive mapped in the server. one of the problems I encountered while creating a solution was network problems.

how do i check if a network drive exists while setting a timeout in checking it? If it times out, I catch the exception and retry in X number of minutes and leave items in queue.


like image 945
Martin Ongtangco Avatar asked Feb 26 '23 08:02

Martin Ongtangco

1 Answers

Put the call in a seperate thread and close the thread after a certain timeout. The following link implements a timeout logic for a method:



One of the comments on the topic above suggest a better implementation using .NET Async Pattern:

public static T SafeLimex<T>(Func<T> F, int Timeout, out bool Completed)   
       var iar = F.BeginInvoke(null, new object());
       if (iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout))
           Completed = true;
           return F.EndInvoke(iar);
         Completed = false;
       return default(T);
like image 67
Aseem Gautam Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 21:02

Aseem Gautam