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Building a row from a dict in pySpark

I'm trying to dynamically build a row in pySpark 1.6.1, then build it into a dataframe. The general idea is to extend the results of describe to include, for example, skew and kurtosis. Here's what I thought should work:

from pyspark.sql import Row  row_dict = {'C0': -1.1990072635132698,             'C3': 0.12605772684660232,             'C4': 0.5760856026559944,             'C5': 0.1951877800894315,             'C6': 24.72378589441825,             'summary': 'kurtosis'}  new_row = Row(row_dict) 

But this returns TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, dict found which is a fairly clear error. Then I found that if I defined the Row fields first, I could use a dict:

r = Row('summary', 'C0', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6') r(row_dict) > Row(summary={'summary': 'kurtosis', 'C3': 0.12605772684660232, 'C0': -1.1990072635132698, 'C6': 24.72378589441825, 'C5': 0.1951877800894315, 'C4': 0.5760856026559944}) 

Which would be a fine step, except it doesn't seem like I can dynamically specify the fields in Row. I need this to work for an unknown number of rows with unknown names. According to the documentation you can actually go the other way:

>>> Row(name="Alice", age=11).asDict() == {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 11} True 

So it seems like I should be able to do this. It also appears there may be some deprecated features from older versions that allowed this, for example here. Is there a more current equivalent I'm missing?

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Jeff Avatar asked Jul 07 '16 19:07


People also ask

How do you create a row in Pyspark?

If we want to create several Rows, then we have to specify the Row class inside a list separated by a comma operator. Syntax: [Row(column_name='value',……….), Row(column_name='value',……….) To create Pyspark DataFrame from this Row, we simply pass the Row list to the createDataFrame() method.

How do I create a row in Spark?

To create a new Row, use RowFactory. create() in Java or Row. apply() in Scala. A Row object can be constructed by providing field values.

Can I use dictionary in Pyspark?

As I said in the beginning, PySpark doesn't have a Dictionary type instead it uses MapType to store the dictionary object, below is an example of how to create a DataFrame column MapType using pyspark. sql. types. StructType .

2 Answers

You can use keyword arguments unpacking as follows:

Row(**row_dict)  ## Row(C0=-1.1990072635132698, C3=0.12605772684660232, C4=0.5760856026559944,  ##     C5=0.1951877800894315, C6=24.72378589441825, summary='kurtosis') 

It is important to note that it internally sorts data by key to address problems with older Python versions.

This behavior is likely to be removed in the upcoming releases - see SPARK-29748 Remove sorting of fields in PySpark SQL Row creation. Once it is remove you'll have to ensure that the order of values in the dict is consistent across records.

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zero323 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


In case the dict is not flatten, you can convert dict to Row recursively.

def as_row(obj):     if isinstance(obj, dict):         dictionary = {k: as_row(v) for k, v in obj.items()}         return Row(**dictionary)     elif isinstance(obj, list):         return [as_row(v) for v in obj]     else:         return obj 
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ryan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
