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Building a Matrix of Combinations

I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but when I searched all the examples didn't quite fit, so I thought I should ask it anyway.

I have two arrays which will always contain 6 items each. For example:

string[] Colors=
    new string[] { "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple" };

string[] Foods=
    new string[] { "fruit", "grain", "dairy", "meat", "sweet", "vegetable" };

Between these two arrays, there are 36 possible combinations(e.g. "red fruit", "red grain").

Now I need to further group these into sets of six unique values.

For example:

    new Pair[] { 
        new Pair { One="red", Two="fruit" }, 
        new Pair { One="orange", Two="grain" }, 
        new Pair { One="yellow", Two="dairy" }, 
        new Pair { One="green", Two="meat" }, 
        new Pair { One="blue", Two="sweet" }, 
        new Pair { One="purple", Two="vegetable" } 

where meal is

Pair[][] meal;

No element can be repeated in my list of "meals". So there is only ever a single "Red" item, and a single "meat" item, etc.

I can easily create the pairs based on the first two arrays, but I am drawing a blank on how best to then group them into unique combinations.

like image 860
Peter Lange Avatar asked Feb 27 '13 00:02

Peter Lange

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1 Answers

OK, you want a sequence containing all 720 possible sequences. This is a bit trickier but it can be done.

The basic idea is the same as in my previous answer. In that answer we:

  • generated a permutation at random
  • zipped the permuted second array with the unpermuted first array
  • produced an array from the query

Now we'll do the same thing except instead of producing a permutation at random, we'll produce all the permutations.

Start by getting this library:


OK, we need to make all the permutations of six items:

Permutations<string> permutations = new Permutations<string>(foods);

What do we want to do with each permutation? We already know that. We want to first zip it with the colors array, turning it into a sequence of pairs, which we then turn into an array. Instead, let's turn it into a List<Pair> because, well, trust me, it will be easier.

IEnumerable<List<Pair>> query = 
    from permutation in permutations
    select colors.Zip(permutation, (color, food)=>new Pair(color, food)).ToList();

And now we can turn that query into a list of results;

List<List<Pair>> results = query.ToList();

And we're done. We have a list with 720 items in it. Each item is a list with 6 pairs in it.

The heavy lifting is done by the library code, obviously; the query laid on top of it is straightforward.

('ve been meaning to write a blog article for some time on ways to generate permutations in LINQ; I might use this as an example!)

like image 71
Eric Lippert Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Eric Lippert