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How to verify static method call using Moq

Using this approach I have made my static method calls an Action in the hope that I can set and verify the call in my Moq unit test.

The code being tested is:

public Action<Data> Calculate = x => CalculatorHelper.Calculate(x);

public void CalculateData(Data data)



And the test is:

public void CalculateIsCalled()
    _mockService.Setup(x => x.Calculate = CalculatorHelper.Calculate)


However, the parameter in the Setup() is throwing the compile error "an expression tree cannot contain an assignment operator".

Obviously the code x => x.Calculate = CalculatorHelper.Calculate is incorrect but what would the correct way to code this?

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Digbyswift Avatar asked Jan 17 '13 12:01


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2 Answers

Calculate should return a new Action pointing to CalculatorHelper.Calculate, so it should be:

_mockService.Setup(x => x.Calculate).Returns(CalculatorHelper.Calculate)

However, for this to work, Calculate needs to be a virtual property, not just a field.

like image 92
Daniel Hilgarth Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Daniel Hilgarth

Considering the fact that Calculate is public field, you don't even need Moq here (also assuming you are testing that CalculateData calls the delegate):

Data passedAsActionParameter = null;
var testedClass = new Calculator();
testedClass.Calculate = d => { passedAsActionParameter = d; };
var data = new Data();

Assert.That(passedAsActionParameter, Is.EqualTo(data));
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k.m Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10
