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Builder pattern in C

Is there a way to implement the Builder design pattern in C? I am wondering if there is a way for the Builder to set values in a structure, but then have the structure be read-only after the structure is produced by the Builder.

I looked for examples online but couldn't find any in C. Thank you.

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morfys Avatar asked Jul 11 '13 22:07


1 Answers

From the wikipedia page:

... the intention of the builder pattern is to find a solution to the telescoping constructor anti-pattern. The telescoping constructor anti-pattern occurs when the increase of object constructor parameter combination leads to an exponential list of constructors. Instead of using numerous constructors, the builder pattern uses another object, a builder, that receives each initialization parameter step by step and then returns the resulting constructed object at once.

So, one way to achieve this would be to define a builder object with an interface that allows you to describe the object you want to build. Then you provide another method that allows you to construct the target object based on that description.

Using the car example in the wikipedia page:

struct car;
struct car_builder;

                   CAR_OPTION_SEATS, CAR_OPTION_NAVIGATION, /* ... */ };

struct car_builder * create_car_builder ();

 * Positive option sets the option, negative option unsets it.
 * If the option takes a parameter, pass them in the varargs.
void car_builder_option (struct car_builder *, int option, ...);

 * builds a car
const struct car * car_builder_construct (struct car_builder *options);

 * junks the car
void car_builder_destruct (const struct car *);

/* ... */
struct car_builder *options = create_car_builder();
car_builder_option(options, CAR_OPTION_SEATS, 2);
car_builder_option(options, CAR_OPTION_SPORT_CAR);
car_builder_option(options, CAR_OPTION_NAVIGATION);
car_builder_option(options, -CAR_OPTION_POWER_WINDOWS);
const struct car *car = car_builder_construct(options);

Returning a pointer to a const struct car signals to the caller that the returned object cannot be modified directly.

like image 129
jxh Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09
