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Builder pattern for polymorphic object hierarchy: possible with Java?


I have a hierarchy of interfaces, with Child implementing Parent. I would like to work with immutable objects, so I would like to design Builder classes that construct these objects conveniently. However, I have many Child interfaces, and I don't want to repeat the code for building Parents in each type of child builder.

So, assume the following definitions:

public interface Parent {     public Long getParentProperty(); }  public interface Child1 extends Parent {     public Integer getChild1Property();  }  public interface Child2 extends Parent {     public String getChild2PropertyA();     public Object getChild2PropertyB(); } 

How can I efficiently implement builders Child1Builder and Child2Builder? They should support operation like:

Child1 child1 = Child1Builder.newChild1().withChild1Property(5).withParentProperty(10L); 


Child2 child2 = Child2Builder.newChild2().withChild2PropertyA("Hello").withParentProperty(10L).withChild2PropertyB(new Object()); 

I don't want to implement a special case of withParentProperty for each child builder.

Edited to add second property to Child2 to clarify that this cannot be done with simple generics. I am not looking for a way to combine Child1 and Child2 - I am looking for a way to implement a Builder system that does not duplicate the work of building the parent class for every child class.

Thanks for any help!

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Riley Lark Avatar asked Feb 04 '12 02:02

Riley Lark

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1 Answers

The solution I imagine is like the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern, or CRTP. You can define a base class to handle the parent-related initialization, but you still may find the two boilerplate getParent() and getThis() methods to be too much repetition in each derived child-related builder class.

Take a look:

abstract class ParentBase implements Parent {   @Override   public final Long getParentProperty()   {       return parentProperty_;   }     protected void setParentProperty(Long value)   {       parentProperty_ = value;   }     private Long parentProperty_; }   abstract class ParentBuilder<T extends ParentBuilder<T>> {   T withParentProperty(Long value)   {       getParent().setParentProperty(value);       return getThis();   }     protected abstract ParentBase getParent();     protected abstract T getThis(); }   final class ConcreteChild1 extends ParentBase implements Child1 {   @Override   public Integer getChild1Property()   {       return childProperty_;   }     public void setChild1Property(Integer value)   {       childProperty_ = value;   }     private Integer childProperty_; }   final class Child1Builder extends ParentBuilder<Child1Builder> {   public Child1Builder()   {      pending_ = new ConcreteChild1();   }     public Child1Builder withChild1Property(Integer value)   {       pending_.setChild1Property(value);       return this;   }     @Override   protected ParentBase getParent()   {       return pending_;   }     @Override   protected Child1Builder getThis()   {       return this;   }     private final ConcreteChild1 pending_; } 

As you can see, the ParentBuilder type expects to be cooperating with a derived type to allow it to return a properly-typed instance. Its own this reference won't due, because the type of this within ParentBuilder is, of course, ParentBuilder, and not, say, Child1Builder as intended to maintain the "fluent" call chaining.

I owe the "getThis() trick" to Angelika Langer's tutorial entry.

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seh Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10
