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App Store Submission: No Identities [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
No identities were available - administrator request

OK I was going to post an image but SO won't let me. It's an error box with a yellow triangle exclamation mark and the text "No Identities were Available, An administrator must request identities before they can be downloaded, [Button] Download Identities... [Button] Import Develop Profile..."

Has anyone got any idea what is going on with this error? Appears on clicking "validate" in the organiser after building for Archiving in the "Release" configuration. The Developer Profile is installed (I have re-downloaded and re-installed it heaps of times to try and get past this...). The app exists in iTunes Connect and I have created an App ID for it in Dev Center, and provisioning profiles, etc. It builds and runs fine....

I can't make head or tail of the help articles on the Developer Portal as they seem to be for some old version of Xcode and I have only ever really used version 4. Any ideas what is going on here?

Oh, "Download Identities" does nothing either, it just shows a spinner for a while and redisplays the error.

like image 655
Sparklellama Avatar asked Mar 10 '12 01:03


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What can happen if your app duplicates functionality found in Apple apps?

Apps that simply duplicate content or functionality create clutter, diminish the overall experience for the end user, and reduce the ability of developers to market their apps. Review the Design section of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Can two apps have the same name in Apple Store?

Two iOS apps currently can not have the same App store name (as entered in iTunes Connect), nor the same bundle ID suffix. They can, however, have the same name under the icon (the Bundle Display Name as entered in the app's plist).

Can an app be duplicated?

Open the Settings app. Scroll down, tap Utilities, and tap Parallel Apps. You'll see a list of apps that you can make copies of—not every app is supported. Find the app you want to clone, and turn its toggle to the On position.

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You can place multiple copies of the same app on your home screen with iOS 15. Here's a funny one: iOS 15 lets you place multiple copies of the same app on Springboard. This means you can have the same app duplicated across your home screens, as many times as you want.

2 Answers

I just had this same issue. For me the solution was that I had made provisioning profiles in Member Center, but they were for Development rather than Distribution. As soon as I made a Distribution profile (on a separate tab in the Provisioning Portal), I was good to go.

I hope that helps!

like image 110
Matt James Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Matt James

Answer: App IDs are case sensitive, and must match between the App ID in the Developer Portal and the App ID in Xcode. Exactly.

like image 26
Sparklellama Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
