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Build Step Progress Bar (css and jquery)

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You've seen iterations of this type of progress bar on sites like paypal. How does one go about setting this up using CSS and jquery? I have 4 pages and each page is a step... so 4 steps.

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WillingLearner Avatar asked Mar 06 '11 22:03


People also ask

How do you make steps progress bar only in CSS?

Make Structure Css and Html< div class="container" ></ div > : This the container will make wrapp the element inside. < ul class="progressbar" > : I will add < ul >< /ul > With class name progressbar. in the . container , I give the width 100% .

How do you code progress bar?

Use the <progress> tag to create a progress bar in HTML. The HTML <progress> tag specifies a completion progress of a task. It is displayed as a progress bar. The value of progress bar can be manipulated by JavaScript.

What is progress bar in jQuery?

It is the collection of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Progress bars tells us the percentage of our task completed and how much it is left. It is a GUI widget which creates a type of interaction between the user and the system.

How do I create a progress bar in HTML?

A progress bar is created by using two HTML “div”, the container (parent div), and the skill (child div) as shown in the following examples. Example 1: We will divide the article into two coding sections, in the first section we will work on HTML, and in the second section will design that progress bar.

2 Answers

I have searched for a solution that will visualize process steps in my web application. I have found the following excellent write-up by Stephen A Thomas:

Tracking Progress in Pure CSS (Original Link now dead)

In his approach Thomas even gets away with just using CSS - no Javascript! In an essence the following CSS code from his article does the trick for me:

    <style>      <!-- Progress with steps -->      ol.progtrckr {         margin: 0;         padding: 0;         list-style-type: none;     }      ol.progtrckr li {         display: inline-block;         text-align: center;         line-height: 3em;     }      ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="2"] li { width: 49%; }     ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="3"] li { width: 33%; }     ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="4"] li { width: 24%; }     ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="5"] li { width: 19%; }     ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="6"] li { width: 16%; }     ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="7"] li { width: 14%; }     ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="8"] li { width: 12%; }     ol.progtrckr[data-progtrckr-steps="9"] li { width: 11%; }      ol.progtrckr li.progtrckr-done {         color: black;         border-bottom: 4px solid yellowgreen;     }     ol.progtrckr li.progtrckr-todo {         color: silver;          border-bottom: 4px solid silver;     }      ol.progtrckr li:after {         content: "\00a0\00a0";     }     ol.progtrckr li:before {         position: relative;         bottom: -2.5em;         float: left;         left: 50%;         line-height: 1em;     }     ol.progtrckr li.progtrckr-done:before {         content: "\2713";         color: white;         background-color: yellowgreen;         height: 1.2em;         width: 1.2em;         line-height: 1.2em;         border: none;         border-radius: 1.2em;     }     ol.progtrckr li.progtrckr-todo:before {         content: "\039F";         color: silver;         background-color: white;         font-size: 1.5em;         bottom: -1.6em;     }  </style> 

As well as HTML tags from his example (I use Grails GSP pages to generate tags and 'done/todo' class dynamically):

<ol class="progtrckr" data-progtrckr-steps="5">     <li class="progtrckr-done">Order Processing</li>     <li class="progtrckr-done">Pre-Production</li>     <li class="progtrckr-done">In Production</li>     <li class="progtrckr-done">Shipped</li>     <li class="progtrckr-todo">Delivered</li> </ol> 

Hope it helps. Works pretty well for me.

UPDATE: The following (shortened) version also works well.

    ol.progtrckr {         display: table;         list-style-type: none;         margin: 0;         padding: 0;         table-layout: fixed;         width: 100%;     }     ol.progtrckr li {         display: table-cell;         text-align: center;         line-height: 3em;     }     ... and the rest of the CSS ...      <ol class="progtrckr">         ...     </ol> 

display: table; table-layout: fixed; width: 100% ensure that the list items are automatically sized equally as long as the content does not overflow. There is no need to use data-progtrckr-steps and its associated CSS.

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Jeltok Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 15:10


There are a lot of very nice answers on this page and I googled for some more, but none of the answers ticked all the checkboxes on my wish list:

  • CSS only, no Javascript
  • Stick to Tom Kenny's Best Design Practices
  • Layout like the other answers
  • Each step has a name and a number
  • Responsive layout: font size independent
  • Fluid layout: the list and its items scale with the available width
  • The names and numbers are centered in their block
  • The "done" color goes up to and including the active item, but not past it.
  • The active item should stand out graphically

So I mixed the code of several examples, fixed the things that I needed and here is the result:

Progress Tracker v2

I used the following CSS and HTML:

/* Progress Tracker v2 */  ol.progress[data-steps="2"] li { width: 49%; }  ol.progress[data-steps="3"] li { width: 33%; }  ol.progress[data-steps="4"] li { width: 24%; }  ol.progress[data-steps="5"] li { width: 19%; }  ol.progress[data-steps="6"] li { width: 16%; }  ol.progress[data-steps="7"] li { width: 14%; }  ol.progress[data-steps="8"] li { width: 12%; }  ol.progress[data-steps="9"] li { width: 11%; }    .progress {      width: 100%;      list-style: none;      list-style-image: none;      margin: 20px 0 20px 0;      padding: 0;  }    .progress li {      float: left;      text-align: center;      position: relative;  }    .progress .name {      display: block;      vertical-align: bottom;      text-align: center;      margin-bottom: 1em;      color: black;      opacity: 0.3;  }    .progress .step {      color: black;      border: 3px solid silver;      background-color: silver;      border-radius: 50%;      line-height: 1.2;      width: 1.2em;      height: 1.2em;      display: inline-block;      z-index: 0;  }    .progress .step span {      opacity: 0.3;  }    .progress .active .name,  .progress .active .step span {      opacity: 1;  }    .progress .step:before {      content: "";      display: block;      background-color: silver;      height: 0.4em;      width: 50%;      position: absolute;      bottom: 0.6em;      left: 0;      z-index: -1;  }    .progress .step:after {      content: "";      display: block;      background-color: silver;      height: 0.4em;      width: 50%;      position: absolute;      bottom: 0.6em;      right: 0;      z-index: -1;  }    .progress li:first-of-type .step:before {      display: none;  }    .progress li:last-of-type .step:after {      display: none;  }    .progress .done .step,  .progress .done .step:before,  .progress .done .step:after,  .progress .active .step,  .progress .active .step:before {      background-color: yellowgreen;  }    .progress .done .step,  .progress .active .step {      border: 3px solid yellowgreen;  }
<!-- Progress Tracker v2 -->  <ol class="progress" data-steps="4">      <li class="done">          <span class="name">Foo</span>          <span class="step"><span>1</span></span>      </li>      <li class="done">          <span class="name">Bar</span>          <span class="step"><span>2</span></span>      </li>      <li class="active">          <span class="name">Baz</span>          <span class="step"><span>3</span></span>      </li>      <li>          <span class="name">Quux</span>          <span class="step"><span>4</span></span>      </li>  </ol>

As can be seen in the example above, there are now two list item classes to take note of: active and done. Use class="active" for the current step, use class="done" for all steps before it.

Also note the data-steps="4" in the ol tag; set this to the total number of steps to apply the correct size to all list items.

Feel free to play around with the JSFiddle. Enjoy!

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Patrick Atoon Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10

Patrick Atoon