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Bruteforce GPG passphrase using script [duplicate]

I have forgotten my passphrase for my gpg key on linux. Can someone please help me write a simple script to use bruteforce to crack the key? I remember some of the words which MIGHT be in the passphrase, so hopefully, it will not take long for my computer to bruteforce it.

All is not lost if I can't recover the passphrase, it just means I will not be able to work on my project for the next 10 days until I get back to work to get another copy of the files, but this time with a new key for which I will remember to passphrase.

However, it will be nice to be able to work on my project in these 10 days.

like image 728
oshirowanen Avatar asked Dec 25 '10 18:12


1 Answers

Maybe something like:


# try all word in words.txt
for word in $(cat words.txt); do 

  # try to decrypt with word
  echo "${word}" | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --decrypt somegpgfile.gpg --output somegpgfile;

  # if decrypt is successfull; stop
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

    echo "GPG passphrase is: ${word}";
    exit 0;



exit 1;
like image 195
tersmitten Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
