I am currently working on implementing a thresholding algorithm called Bradley Adaptive Thresholding
I have been following mainly two links in order to work out how to implement this algorithm. I have also successfully been able to implement two other thresholding algorithms, mainly, Otsu's Method and Balanced Histogram Thresholding.
Here are the two links that I have been following in order to create the Bradley Adaptive Thresholding
Bradley Adaptive Thresholding Github Example
Here is the section of my source code in Python
where I am running the algorithm and saving the image. I use the Python Imaging Library
and no other tools to accomplish what I want to do.
def get_bradley_binary(inp_im):
w, h = inp_im.size
s, t = (w / 8, 0.15)
int_im = Image.new('L', (w, h))
out_im = Image.new('L', (w, h))
for i in range(w):
summ = 0
for j in range(h):
index = j * w + i
summ += get_pixel_offs(inp_im, index)
if i == 0:
set_pixel_offs(int_im, index, summ)
temp = get_pixel_offs(int_im, index - 1) + summ
set_pixel_offs(int_im, index, temp)
for i in range(w):
for j in range(h):
index = j * w + i
x1,x2,y1,y2 = (i-s/2, i+s/2, j-s/2, j+s/2)
x1 = 0 if x1 < 0 else x1
x2 = w - 1 if x2 >= w else x2
y1 = 0 if y1 < 0 else y1
y2 = h - 1 if y2 >= h else y2
count = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
a1 = get_pixel_offs(int_im, y2 * w + x2)
a2 = get_pixel_offs(int_im, y1 * w + x2)
a3 = get_pixel_offs(int_im, y2 * w + x1)
a4 = get_pixel_offs(int_im, y1 * w + x1)
summ = a1 - a2 - a3 + a4
temp = get_pixel_offs(inp_im, index)
if temp * count < summ * (1.0 - t):
set_pixel_offs(out_im, index, 0)
set_pixel_offs(out_im, index, 255)
return out_im
Here is the section of my code that illustrates the implementation of these set and get methods that you have not seen before.
def get_offs(image, x, y):
return y * image.size[0] + x
def get_xy(image, offs):
return (offs % image.size[0], int(offs / image.size[0]))
def set_pixel_xy(image, x, y, data):
image.load()[x, y] = data
def set_pixel_offs(image, offs, data):
x, y = get_xy(image, offs)
image.load()[x, y] = data
def get_pixel_offs(image, offs):
return image.getdata()[offs]
def get_pixel_xy(image, x, y):
return image.getdata()[get_offs(image, x, y)]
And finally, here are the input and output images. These are the same images that are used in the original research paper in the first link that I provided you. Note: The output image is almost completely white and it may be hard to see, but I provided it anyway in case anyone really wanted to have it for reference.
You cannot create the integral image with PIL the way that you are doing it because the image that you are packing data into cannot accept values over 255. The values in the integral image get very large because they are the sums of the pixels above and to the left (see page 3 of your white paper, below).
They will grow much much larger than 255, so you need 32 bits per pixel to store them.
You can test this by creating a PIL image in "L" mode and then setting a pixel to 1000000 or some large number. Then when you read back the value, it will return 255.
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> img = Image.new('L', (100,100))
>>> img.putpixel((0,0), 100000)
>>> print(list(img.getdata())[0])
EDIT: After reading the PIL documentation, you may be able to use PIL if you create your integral image in "I" mode instead of "L" mode. This should provide 32 bits per pixel.
For that reason I recommend Numpy instead of PIL.
Below is a rewrite of your threshold function using Numpy instead of PIL, and I get the correct/expected result. Notice that I create my integral image using a uint32 array. I used the exact same C example on Github that you used for your translation:
import numpy as np
def adaptive_thresh(input_img):
h, w = input_img.shape
S = w/8
s2 = S/2
T = 15.0
#integral img
int_img = np.zeros_like(input_img, dtype=np.uint32)
for col in range(w):
for row in range(h):
int_img[row,col] = input_img[0:row,0:col].sum()
#output img
out_img = np.zeros_like(input_img)
for col in range(w):
for row in range(h):
#SxS region
y0 = max(row-s2, 0)
y1 = min(row+s2, h-1)
x0 = max(col-s2, 0)
x1 = min(col+s2, w-1)
count = (y1-y0)*(x1-x0)
sum_ = int_img[y1, x1]-int_img[y0, x1]-int_img[y1, x0]+int_img[y0, x0]
if input_img[row, col]*count < sum_*(100.-T)/100.:
out_img[row,col] = 0
out_img[row,col] = 255
return out_img
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