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sql select group by a having count(1) > 1 equivalent in python pandas?

I'm having a hard time filtering the groupby items in pandas. I want to do

select email, count(1) as cnt 
from customers 
group by email 
having count(email) > 1 
order by cnt desc

I did


and it gives me the list of emails and their respective counts correctly but I am not able to achieve the having count(email) > 1 part.

email_cnt[email_cnt.size > 1]

returns 1

email_cnt = customers.groupby('Email')
email_dup = email_cnt.filter(lambda x:len(x) > 2)

gives the whole record of customers with email > 1 but I want the aggregate table.

like image 608
tangkk Avatar asked Dec 31 '14 08:12


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Use count() by Column Name Use pandas DataFrame. groupby() to group the rows by column and use count() method to get the count for each group by ignoring None and Nan values.

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Using the size() or count() method with pandas. DataFrame. groupby() will generate the count of a number of occurrences of data present in a particular column of the dataframe.

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Pandas DataFrame count() Method The count() method counts the number of not empty values for each row, or column if you specify the axis parameter as axis='columns' , and returns a Series object with the result for each row (or column).

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2 Answers

Instead of writing email_cnt[email_cnt.size > 1], just write email_cnt[email_cnt > 1] (there's no need to call.size again). This uses the Boolean series email_cnt > 1 to return only the relevant values of email_cnt.

For example:

>>> customers = pd.DataFrame({'Email':['foo','bar','foo','foo','baz','bar'],
>>> email_cnt = customers.groupby('Email')['CustomerID'].size()
>>> email_cnt[email_cnt > 1]
bar      2
foo      3
dtype: int64
like image 168
Alex Riley Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Alex Riley

Two other solutions (with modern "method chain" approach):

Using selection by callable:

customers.groupby('Email').size().loc[lambda x: x>1].sort_values()

Using the query method:

    agg([len]).query('len > 1').sort_values('len'))
like image 34
Ilya V. Schurov Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Ilya V. Schurov