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bower command not found





People also ask

How do I install bower components?

Installing Bower Packages You can install packages with Bower the same way as you would install packages with npm. The difference is that you'll have to use the bower command instead. Bower will install the latest version of jQuery with this command. The additional --save flag tells Bower to add jQuery into your bower.

Is bower like npm?

Bower is a package manager, like npm, which manages frameworks, libraries, assets, and utilities, installs them, and makes sure they are up to date. Traditionally, many web development projects combined npm and Bower. npm was used to manage back-end dependencies, while Bower was used for front-end dependencies.

Just like in this question (npm global path prefix) all you need is to set proper npm prefix.


$ npm config set prefix /usr/local
$ npm install -g bower

$ which bower
>> /usr/local/bin/bower

Windows ans NVM:

$ npm config set prefix /c/Users/xxxxxxx/AppData/Roaming/nvm/v8.9.2
$ npm install -g bower

Then bower should be located just in your $PATH.

I am almost sure you are not actually getting it installed correctly. Since you are trying to install it globally, you will need to run it with sudo:

sudo npm install -g bower

Alternatively, you can use npx which comes along with the npm > 5.6.

npx bower install

This turned out to NOT be a bower problem, though it showed up for me with bower.

It seems to be a node-which problem. If a file is in the path, but has the setuid/setgid bit set, which will not find it.

Here is a files with the s bit set: (unix 'which' will find it with no problems).

ls -al /usr/local/bin -rwxrwsr-- 110 root nmt 5535636 Jul 17 2012 git

Here is a node-which attempt:

> which.sync('git')
Error: not found: git

I change the permissions (chomd 755 git). Now node-which can find it.

> which.sync('git')

Hope this helps.

I am using node version manager. I was getting this error message because I had switched to a different version of node. When I switched back to the version of node where I installed bower, this error went away. In my case, the command was nvm use stable