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Bots can't be created from Xcode Server hosted repository

After creating a new repository on my Xcode Server, I can't access it by ssh, but I can perform both the git clone command and the git push command by using the https protocol.

Furthermore I encounter the following error when I try to create a Xcode Bot:

Oct 25 12:43:46 mokii.com xcsbuildd[99898]: XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep.m:160 [XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep logUnderlyingErrorForError:]     [SourceControl, Error] SSL error: received early EOF (-1) Oct 25 12:43:46 mokii.com xcsbuildd[99898]: XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep.m:119 [XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep enqueueOperations]     [SourceControl, Error] Error checkout/clone Error Domain=com.apple.dt.SourceControlErrorDomain Code=-1 "SSL error: received early EOF (-1)" UserInfo=0x7fcf244d3cd0 {com.apple.dt.sourcecontrol.UnderlyingErrorString=SSL error: received early EOF (-1), NSLocalizedDescription=SSL error: received early EOF (-1)} Oct 25 12:43:46 mokii.com xcsbuildd[99898]: XCSIntegrationExecutor.m:229 [XCSIntegrationExecutor integrationStep:didFinishWithError:result:]     [BuildService, Error] XCSCheckoutIntegrationStep finished integration with an error: Error Domain=com.apple.dt.SourceControlErrorDomain Code=-1 "SSL error: received early EOF (-1)" UserInfo=0x7fcf23e117f0 {com.apple.dt.sourcecontrol.UnderlyingErrorString=SSL error: received early EOF (-1), NSLocalizedDescription=SSL error: received early EOF (-1), XCSErrorFixItType=scm-failure} 

When I try to execute the git clone command the hosted repository in Terminal.app, another error occurs:

larryhou:repo larryhou$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/git/HostedRepo.git Cloning into 'HostedRepo'... Password: fatal: '/git/HostedRepo.git' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository.  Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 

And I can find additional information in the Console.app:

 Marker - Oct 25, 2014, 12:25:13 PM Oct 25 12:25:15 --- last message repeated 1 time --- Oct 25 12:25:15 mokii com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.openssh.sshd.4EA7979A-127B-452C-832D-3A9A7FCB5A04): Service instances do not support events yet. Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: AS-REQ [email protected] from for krbtgt/[email protected] Oct 25 12:25:16 --- last message repeated 1 time --- Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: Client sent patypes: REQ-ENC-PA-REP Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: user has no SRP keys Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: Need to use PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP/PA-PK-AS-REQ Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: AS-REQ [email protected] from for krbtgt/[email protected] Oct 25 12:25:16 --- last message repeated 1 time --- Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: Client sent patypes: ENC-TS, REQ-ENC-PA-REP Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com sandboxd[508] ([380]): kdc(380) deny file-read-data /private/etc/krb5.conf Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: ENC-TS pre-authentication succeeded -- [email protected] Oct 25 12:25:16 mokii.com kdc[380]: DSUpdateLoginStatus: Unable to synchronize login time for jason: 77009  Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: Client supported enctypes: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, des3-cbc-sha1, arcfour-hmac-md5, using aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96/aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: Requested flags: forwardable Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for host/[email protected] [canonicalize, forwardable] Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for host/[email protected] [forwardable] Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for ldap/[email protected] [canonicalize, forwardable] Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com kdc[380]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for ldap/[email protected] [forwardable] Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com sshd[61715]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for jason from port 58668 ssh2 Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii.com sshd[61722]: Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user Oct 25 12:25:17 mokii com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.openssh.sshd.4EA7979A-127B-452C-832D-3A9A7FCB5A04[61715]): Service exited with abnormal code: 255 
like image 315
larryhou Avatar asked Oct 25 '14 05:10


People also ask

What is create bot in Xcode?

Bots are processes that Xcode Server runs to perform integrations on the current version of a project in a source code repository. An integration is a single run of a bot. Integrations consist of building, analyzing, testing, and archiving the apps (or other software products) defined in your Xcode projects.

How do I create a repository in Xcode?

Select New Repository..Enter a name for your new Git repo and select Create. Your browser will navigate to your new empty Git repo for your Xcode project. Copy the clone URL to the clipboard so that you can use it in Xcode to connect to VSTS.

How do I clone a Git repository in Xcode?

Once you authenticate into Xcode with your GitHub account, the “Open in Xcode” button will appear for relevant repositories on GitHub. Click the button and Xcode will launch, prompting you to choose a directory to clone the repository to your local machine. Happy cloning!

Does Xcode have SSH?

Xcode bots can access Git and Subversion projects over SSH (Secure Shell) or HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).

1 Answers

You have got the SSH URL all wrong. You cannot use SSH simply by replacing the protocol and leave the URL in the same form as HTTPS. Here is a step by step guide for using SSH with Git on XCode Server and setting up the bots:


One more that is a bit newer and might be more accurate:


like image 154
Jiri Klouda Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 02:10

Jiri Klouda