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Boto3 S3, sort bucket by last modified

I need to fetch a list of items from S3 using Boto3, but instead of returning default sort order (descending) I want it to return it via reverse order.

I know you can do it via awscli:

aws s3api list-objects --bucket mybucketfoo --query "reverse(sort_by(Contents,&LastModified))"

and its doable via the UI console (not sure if this is done client side or server side)

I cant seem to see how to do this in Boto3.

I am currently fetching all the files, and then sorting...but that seems overkill, especially if I only care about the 10 or so most recent files.

The filter system seems to only accept the Prefix for s3, nothing else.

like image 466
nate Avatar asked Jun 15 '17 18:06


3 Answers

If there are not many objects in the bucket, you can use Python to sort it to your needs.

Define a lambda to get the last modified time:

get_last_modified = lambda obj: int(obj['LastModified'].strftime('%s'))

Get all objects and sort them by last modified time.

s3 = boto3.client('s3')
objs = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket='my_bucket')['Contents']
[obj['Key'] for obj in sorted(objs, key=get_last_modified)]

If you want to reverse the sort:

[obj['Key'] for obj in sorted(objs, key=get_last_modified, reverse=True)]
like image 85
helloV Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11


I did a small variation of what @helloV posted below. its not 100% optimum, but it gets the job done with the limitations boto3 has as of this time.

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
my_bucket = s3.Bucket('myBucket')
unsorted = []
for file in my_bucket.objects.filter():

files = [obj.key for obj in sorted(unsorted, key=get_last_modified, 
like image 41
nate Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11


Slight improvement of above:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
my_bucket = s3.Bucket('myBucket')
files = my_bucket.objects.filter()
files = [obj.key for obj in sorted(files, key=lambda x: x.last_modified, 
like image 9
zalmane Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 20:11
