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Boto3 AWS API error responses for SSM

I am using a simple boto3 script to retrieve a parameter from SSM param store in my aws account. The python script looks like below:

client = get_boto3_client('ssm', 'us-east-1')
    response = client.get_parameter(Name='my_param_name',WithDecryption=True)
except Exception as e:
    logging.error("retrieve param error: {0}".format(e))
    raise e
return response

If the given parameter is not available, I get a generic error in the response like below:

 An error occurred (ParameterNotFound) when calling the GetParameter operation: Parameter my_param_name not found.   

I have verified method signature from boto3 ssm docs. Related AWS API Docs confirms to return a 400 response when parameter does not exist in the param store.

My question is that how do I verify if the exception caught in the response is actually a 400 status code so that I can handle it accordingly.

like image 891
Vishal Avatar asked Feb 23 '18 20:02


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1 Answers

You can try catching client.exceptions.ParameterNotFound:

client = get_boto3_client('ssm', 'us-east-1')

  response = client.get_parameter(Name='my_param_name',WithDecryption=True)
except client.exceptions.ParameterNotFound:
  logging.error("not found")
like image 183
kichik Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
